If Texas Attorney General Greg Abott Was Any Dumber, We’d Have to Water Him Twice a Week
Texas AG Greg Abbott is flat-out amazingly intellectually clumsy. Everything he touches turns rotten.
You know how he’s fighting to force Texans to show up at the polls with bizarre forms of identification – license to carry a handgun = yes, veteran ID = hell, no – before allowing them to vote?
Well, in his arguments to the Justice Department defending what amounts to a poll tax and a four ring circus just to vote, he showed his respect for the private information of Texans.
State Attorney General Greg Abbott’s office inadvertently gave the Social Security numbers of millions of Texas voters to opposing lawyers in the voter ID case but said on Wednesday the information never was exposed publicly.
And we know it was never publicly exposed because …. Greg Abbott says so. And Greg Abbott is never wrong. Well, almost never wrong. Okay, he was right once. Almost.
The attorney general’s office gave the records to the opposing lawyers on password-protected, encrypted disks, Hodge said.
Wooooo … password protected. I wonder what the password was? TellMittI’llBeVeep?