If Only …

May 30, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Merrick Garland was selected to give the commencement address at Harvard this year.

Garland, who is a Harvard alumnus, pointed to efforts to undermine the right to vote, violence against particular groups of people, the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol and the Russian invasion of Ukraine abroad as the “many ways in which democracy is under threat.”

He also asked the students to devote at least part of their lives to public service.

“You are the next generation that must devote yourselves to preserving our democracy and helping others protect theirs,” Garland said. “And although what I am asking of you is daunting, I know that you are the next generation that will fulfill the promise this country represents. I know that our democracy will be stronger by the time it is your turn to pass the baton.”

Okay, so is he telling us that we’ve given up until the next generation takes over?

If only we had somebody in public service who could do something about undermining the right to vote, violence against particular groups of people, the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol …

You know, maybe a current public servant or something like that. It seems that the Department of Empty Platitudes is doing their jobs, though.


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0 Comments to “If Only …”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Ya, you’d think. And while it appears that trumpf is close to being tried criminally and civilly, his “trump” card is about to be played- officially announcing to run again in 2024 (as if he isn’t now). Once that happens, the “department of empty platitudes” will find an excuse to do nothing (again). The head of said department will do even less than now. Would love to be proven wrong.

  2. John now in Lake Oswego says:

    Although I made a similar threat -to leave the country- back in 2016 when Trumpf was but a mere candidate, this time I have the benefit (hah!) of seeing what he did for 4 years. Belize, Canada, Potugal..here I come if he gets elected again. This country may not survive a Round 2!

  3. Thanks and We call BS! we all know Trump and all his cronies should have been in jail a long time ago.

  4. As I see it:

    Garland will to sit on his thumbs and will run out the clock doing nada.

    Laws that are strictly enforced for the 99%, don’t apply to Congress, the senate and the 1% who are rich enough to buy a stack of Stay-out-of-Prison cards.

  5. I watched the entire commencement yesterday and thought at the time that the many people who have written Garland off as a diddler should see his emotion when talking about our Country’s mess. More likely to me is DOJ will announce a bomb one of these days.

  6. thatotherjean says:

    @John, #5

    Unfortunately, emotion, however sincere, is not action. I very much hope that there is a whole lot going on in the DOJ, but the lid is clamped down so tightly that nothing leaks out. Still, I can’t help but wishing that they would throw a bone out to the rest of us now and then, to keep us all from being so frustrated at them.

  7. CU in Tenn says:

    John in Oswego (2), You say this country may not survive round 2 of Trumpf. This world may not survive round 2.

  8. Merrick Garland is the highest profile casualty of the Democratic Party’s belief in the concept of “norms” as a guiding principle.
    Mitch McConnell, despicable as he is, uses every procedural trick in the book to get exactly what he wants.
    Our party (yes, somehow I still call myself a Democrat even though Joe Manchin is in charge) still seeks consensus from the nonexistent good Republicans.
    We are in the same position we were in during the wasted first two years of Obama’s presidency. We have majorities in the House and the Senate and a fairly liberal Democrat sits at the desk in the Oval office. This time let’s do something other than keep trying to pass legislation that Republicans “might” want. Fuck the Republicans. Fuck The Press that regards Manchin as a Centrist (another imaginary creature) and fuck the hallowed norms of the world’s greatest deliberative body. The American people have given you the reins to this team of wild horses. Do whatever it takes to get shit done on every front while the reins are in your hands. Attempting to govern with the goal of appeasing the opposition will get you nowhere AND lose you the next election.

  9. Note to Nick Carraway. As a “centrist” you fail to see that you are actually an apologist, an enabler, and a collaborator. Since the hanging chad debacle in Florida, “reasonable Democrats like yourself have shown that we believe in decorum, appeasement, and getting along with our esteemed friends across the aisle more than we believe in our goals and principles.

  10. Michael Sussmann is acquitted!

    Jeez if extremist John Durham can try and prosecute an innocent Michael Sussmann, Why the hell cant Garland prosecute ‘guilty as hell’ Treasonous Trump????
    There is absolutely NO good reason for the delay, should been prosecuted last year.

  11. Sandridge says:

    Wally @9&10, Fuckin A Yeah!
    Wally nails it, what I’ve been ranting about for decades.
    There are NO reasonable GQPee’rs left anymore.

    Purge every last iota of that bullshit ‘bipartianship’ out of your brains and just go into ‘scorched earth wipe ’em out mode’ 24/7/365.

    There is NO fucking way to peacefully coexist with those vermin, period.

    It’s WAR, declared unilaterally by them long ago, and many of y’all were not listening or paying attention. Which allowed the MAGAots [and precursors] to put us in the snakepit we find ourselves mucking around in.

    Them or US. No middle ground. Totally vanquish them or you will perish.

  12. john in denver says:

    Wally at 9 — “Fuck the Republicans. Fuck The Press that regards Manchin as a Centrist (another imaginary creature) and fuck the hallowed norms of the world’s greatest deliberative body. The American people have given you the reins to this team of wild horses. Do whatever it takes to get shit done on every front while the reins are in your hands. ”

    The American voters provided Democrats with reins about as strong as lace ties on a bonnet. As of today, Democrats in the House have a majority of 220 to 208, so the consensus has to be strong enough to not lose 12 members to apathy or antagonism, and not lose 7 who will become opposition votes. In the Senate, the breakdown is 50-50, with a Presiding Officer who can break ties for the Democrats. For matters other than one vote to reconcile the spending, taxes, and the deficit, it takes 60 votes agreeing to have the debate end at a particular time and hold a vote. At that vote, everyone needs to be healthy and available to show up to form a majority of those present and voting to pass something.

    So, tell me how you would get things done. How would you “tame” the wild horses so they run with each other?

  13. John in Denver@13
    Shall we begin with the Bully Pulpit? When the President talks, camera’s roll and talking heads discuss, ad nauseum. Daily Press conferences are good but the Prez delivering his message and answering questions about the ideas he has just delivered is better. Control the dialog. Take the podium and introduce knowledgeable, passionate speakers to make your point, succinctly with facts, presented with plenty of media punch. Make it a non-stop USA Show. The bad guys make it easy for the media- they do their work for them, daily providing content, visuals, and sound bites. VP Joe Biden’s the one who first supported marriage equality from the White House and said Medicare and social security would not be cut on his watch while Simpson- Bowles tried to send the elderly into poverty in order to cut taxes for the rich. This guy can speak to The People if he isn’t overhandled. I think he actually still has a soul.
    As for Chuck Schumer-his talent seems to be getting elected the leader of his Democratic Senatorial peers. If he can’t whip his own people to support big programs, get someone who isn’t afraid to at least try. Bring sound, good bills to committee, talk them up, make them news. Then if (actually when) the Republicans shoot them down, crucify them nonstop. Bring the veterans’ widows and children to the office for the cable interview to show who the Republicans are harming.
    Nancy Pelosi has balls of steel and the political instincts of a Medici but is an aged white dowager daughter of a Baltimore political machine, who makes a $1million a month to add to her $100 million plus fortune. Is thiswho we really need/want as the face of the working people’s party?
    Right now we should be talking gun background checks, weapons registration, semiautomatic weapons and high capacity magazines, 24/7. The majority wants these things. Get the Dems in line, including not taking gun money and push, push, push. If They start with the “politicizing a tragedy,” simply point out that children have been killed for too long and God damn it, were actually going to do something about it. Sandy Hook parents against ammosexuals will get coverage and win more support. And while on the topic, point out that the police must be held accountable for their actions for the very reason that we put so much trust in them. The local police in Texas have changed their lies a couple time and are not cooperating with the State of Texas investigation.

  14. Apologies. John asked. It took more than a quick short answer.


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