If It Wasn’t For Bad Taste, They Wouldn’t Have Any Taste At All

September 27, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so it’s sad when you have to tell your fellow Republicans what is in good taste.  According to Ann Romney, they are the party of classy people.

Virginia Republican Party officials on Tuesday ordered their Mecklenburg County affiliate to remove photos portraying President Obama as a witch doctor, a caveman and a thug from its Facebook page.

The altered photos have been on the Mecklenburg County Republican Committee’s page for months but drew attention outside the rural southwestern enclave after a luncheon event this week with Republican Senate candidate George Allen.

But, they are very nice people, you know.  Real nice.

By the way, this is also the group who thought that the Onion story about Barack Obama’s illegitimate son was true.  Probably because the picture looks so real to them.

Every morning when my feet hit the floor I say, “Thank you God for another day that I’m not a Republican, and especially one of those damfools at the Mecklenburg County Republican Party.”

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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