If I Made This Up, It Wouldn’t Be This Funny

January 17, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, a herd of Pentecostal  Evangelical Snake-Handling Speaking-in-Tongue Foot-Washing Steeple People met in Texas to decide who they should endorse for President because, as I already told you, Mormon sounds suspiciously like Muslim.

I know for a fact that the louder a man prays at your dinner table, the more you should check his pockets before he leaves to see if he swiped your silver place setting.  I don’t trust ‘um.

Mainly because they don’t trust each other.  The Washington Times, a newspaper owned by the Moonies but read by the semi-literate conservatives, says that the Santorum Catholics  cheated the Gingrich  Catholics.

A leading evangelical and former aide to President George H.W. Bush said he agreed with suspicions voiced by others at the meeting of evangelical and conservative Catholic activists that organizers “manipulated” the gathering and may even have stuffed the ballot to produce an endorsement of Mr. Santorum over former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

Noooo ……

Oh yeah, and they even had voter fraud.

Yet another evangelical political organizer who attended the meeting said he witnessed a possible incident of ballot-box stuffing. In at least one instance, the witness said, a participant was seen writing Mr. Santorum´s name on four separate ballots and putting all four in the box.

I’m tellin’ ya, you cannot trust those people.  And they’ll tell you that, too.  Honey, they are so crooked that they have to screw their socks on in the morning.

Thanks to Angela for the heads-up.

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