If Dumb Was Dirt, Greg Abbott Would Cover About an Acre

February 16, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Before he was Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott was Texas attorney general and spent $4.25 of taxpayer’s money suing the federal government, or as he liked to call it – “suing Barack Obama.”  Abbott knew that most of these suits were silly, but he liked to rack up numbers so that every week he could feed the hungry hordes in Texas who wanted him to sue Barack Obama.

That $4.25 million does not count the money the federal government had to spend to defend us against Abbott’s goofy and frivolous lawsuits.  So, just to be fair about it, let’s say it cost us $8.5 million dollars total.

Every now and then, I feel compelled to remind politicians that it’s ALL our money, whether it be city, state, school district, MUD district or federal government.  So when the county sues the state, we pay on both ends.

Anyway, as attorney general Abbott had Texas sue the federal government 31 times.  Here’s the scorecard with Greg Abbott as team manager …

Based on court rulings, Texas has definitively won five of those cases. In 10 cases, the courts ruled against the state. Nine cases are still pending, and the AG’s office withdrew the remaining seven.

Let’s see, 31 minus 9 (still pending) is 22.  Of those 22, Abbott won 5.  That’s hitting around 23%.  Let me ask you this.  Would you hire a lawyer who costs a ton of money proudly advertises that he wins a whopping 23% of his cases?  Or a heart surgeon who has 77% of his patients die?

Greg Abbott: a bad lawyer and an even worse governor.  We’re Texas Proud!

Thanks to David for the heads up.

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