If a Duck Had His Brains, It Would Fly West In The Winter

September 30, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Please allow me to introduce Wisconsin Republican Representative Glenn Grothman, a man who cannot understand why we even need Planned Parenthood.

“As a guy, I could go to many clinics locally that have all the machines that one would need,” Grothmann said. “All these clinics, as far as I know, take Medicaid dollars, so you could go to any of those clinics to get any medical service you could.”

He said poor women might not even notice if Congress cut funding and the health care organization went out of business.

I gotta show ya a picture of this guy.

Glenn_Grothman_official_congressional_photoThat is the whitest rich guy in Wisconsin.  That guy is so white that they calibrate laundry detergent against him.  He glows in the damn dark. There is snow darker than that.

He has a net worth estimated to be $1,580,000. A rich white guy can go anywhere and get medical care, you damn fool.

Grothman is 60 years old, has never been married and does not have any children. He don’t need no damn Planned Parenthood so you shouldn’t either.

Grothman once claimed that modern women were choosing to have children out of wedlock and “we should educate women that this is a mistake.” First of all, isn’t that exactly what Planned Parenthood does, educate woman? Second of all, if there is not a law preventing a single white male with no children from telling women when, where, and how they should have a baby, there should be, dammit.

Additionally, this dope thinks all poor women are on Medicaid. If they live in Texas, they sure aren’t. And, women without health insurance but who don’t qualify for Medicaid need health services.

Boy howdy, he really hates women.

I am certain that the feeling is mutual.

Thanks to Elizabeth for the heads up.

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