
December 09, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You would probably not imagine that things ever get mean in Idaho. Oh, but they do.

The Central District Health Board of Health meeting Tuesday night to discuss and vote on a public health order dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic was adjourned shortly after it started because of the danger posed by protesters at the CDH office and at some board members’ places of residence.

Moments after a tearful Commissioner Diana Lachiondo left the virtual meeting to head to her house — where her son was home alone, and where anti-mask, anti-health-order protesters had reportedly gathered.

There are lines you don’t cross and trying to intimidate a minor is one of them.  And that is the problem with the anti-maskers.  They have no lines.  They believe they have the right to blow their contagious disease in your face, to pee in a public swimming pool, and to scare your kids because they are hacked off at you.

I think these are people who have two emotions – mad and not mad.  Oh, and drunk. But the emotions remain the same.

If they feel personally affronted, they don’t have words to express it, so the scream freedumb! Everything is a personal affront to them. Everything.

They love Jesus, think he was blonde, but couldn’t tell you anything he ever said.

They think Wolf Blitzer is a communist. They heard it somewhere.

I’m sure you’ve got more observations ….


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