I Would Stop Voting But ….

July 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

… I’m addicted to the little stickers.

If you’re in Texas, go vote for Paul Sadler.  It’s real important.

Paul Sadler.  Today.  All this week.  Vote.

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0 Comments to “I Would Stop Voting But ….”

  1. I saw a long interview with him the other day, I think it was on Channel 13. He really impressed me. For once, a politician who just talked common sense, not rhetoric. He has my vote.

  2. I voted in Tennessee yesterday. Just for the sheer audacity of it all…I handed the voter lady my Official Tennessee Voter Registration ID card. She looked at me like I was nuts, guess she had NEVER seen such an antique – hell, it was dated 2000, the same year I moved here and registered to vote and have used in every single election in Tennessee until YESTERDAY. The same people run these places in the very tiny burg I live in – they know who I am and I had to show my driver’s license. Whatever am I going to do in two years when I am allowed, by law, to elect NOT to have my photo on my DL due to the FACT that for some odd reason, that is a law in Tennessee. If you are 60, you don’t need a photo to drive, but you NEED A PHOTO ID TO VOTE~

  3. Sam in Kyle says:

    I voted in Hays County for the first time yesterday. When they scanned my Voter Registration they told me I could vote in either party’s runoff. (voted in the Democratic in Brazoria). Thankfully I had some good advice from Bubba via Juanita that voting in the GOP primary was a felony. I voted for Sadler as did the two sweet elderly ladies in front of me.

    It’s a real temptation to vote in the GOP primary here. Jeff Wentworth aint no prize but his opponent, Donna Campbell, is a TEA Party favorite. She has no policy experience and no plans other than to make even deeper cuts in state budgets. She uses her title “Dr” on her campaign signs and refers to herself as “a woman of faith”. I believe that faith is in the fact that not too many informed voters will show up at the Republican runoff.

  4. Oh, and for the fun of it, I voted for the actress, Park Overall, Empty Nest Show from the 80s – AGAINST Bob “Check into cash” Corker because I know Park is NOT beholden to the Banksters. Yes, she is on the ballot.

  5. I love those stickers too Juanita. A trip to the polls is not complete until I have one of those little stickers falling off me all day long.

    Remember everybody to vote early–if your GOP representatives or wing nut governor hasn’t tried to end early voting in your state.

    And remember to vote only once ’cause for some incredibly insane reason the republicans have decided that even though there have been NO cases of voter fraud in their states in years, us Dems are going to be our dead Aunt Charlottes, the neighbor’s mean poodle Fifi, and the toddler up the street who throws her pacifier at you when you walk by. I guess that’s so we can each vote about twelve- hundred times on election day.

  6. My youngest child and I also voted today

  7. In the first moments of the first day of early voting I became the first Democrat to request a ballot and cast the first vote for Saddler at that site… maybe in all of Johnson County. There ain’t many of us left round these parts… almost hunted to extinction.

    But I didn’t get a sticker… :~(

  8. We didn’t get sticjers either! Delta County (Texas) is too poor, I guess. You know what else they are here? Overwhelmingly Republican. The lady behind the counter handed me a Republican ballot without asking or even looking at what she was doing. When I took it to the table and the first name I was was David Dewhurst, I was all Wa-a-a-a-a! and she had to change it. But I wasn’t randomly flagged to have to show my ID this time, unlike last spring.

  9. Mary in San Antonio says:

    I voted for Sadler today because I like everything I’ve read and heard about him. And I made sure I got my sticker. I put them on my glasses case which is now just about completely covered in them.

    And Sam in Kyle, here in San Antonio we have been getting the commercials for Jeff Wentworth and Donna Campbell. I usually mute the sound on the teevee machine, but today I actually listened to one of hers. Is she seriously saying we should have a 35% sales tax? Didn’t the teabagger that ran against Icky Ricky in the 2010 Repug primary have a similar idea? We all saw how well that played out for her.

    I will be so happy when these runoff elections are over. Between the Wentworth/Campbell and the Dewhurst/Cruz commercials, my remote gets quite a workout during the evening news.

  10. Olden Grey says:

    Mule Breath – I had the same experience this morning in beautiful Pasadena. We all had a good laugh when I was told that I was the first Democrat today. I guess it’s good to be number 1 at something.

  11. Thanks for reminding me to go vote this week; I’ve been kinda busy and have kept putting it off.

    I checked the Harris County (TX) website for “Harris County Votes” brought to us by that ol’ stalwart of county clerkdumb, Stan Stanart. I noticed that I need to find the “Lone Star Collage” site off of SH 249. That’s right, JJ…. Somewhere out there off of 249 is a “COLLAGE” waiting for me to go there and vote. And I know for a fact that the building is hidden back off the highway, in a confusing area of trees, buildings, freeway ramps and bridges, and few signs. It’s really NOT easy to find — not even ON A GOOD DAY.

    Do you think that Stan made it purposely hard for JUST us Democrats to find THEIR voting site by misspelling the name of the college?

    Guess where Stan is sending his fellow Republicans to vote? They are told to go to the same address, but it’s Lone Star “College” for them.

    So, if you are new to my area, or partially illiterate, or too damn busy to chase down where a “collage” might be located, you might not be able to find Lone Star “Collage” if you asked for help or just soldiered on in your ignorance. This would be especially true if you got someone with little patience to give you a ride to the building, and neither one of you could find it, since you didn’t know about where to look for a collage.

    I cannot help but believe that Stan and his buddies are snorting over their little gamesmanship about misspelling the location only for Democrats but not for their fellow Republicans.

    Cynical? ME? Oh yeah.

  12. Mary Kay– If you were actually HANDED a ballot, that’s against election laws. You are supposed to be able to select your ballot from several on the table.
