I Wish I Had Thought of That

July 20, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Illinois Republican Senator Mark Kirk caught the Louie Gohmert fever and has been jabbering incoherently all over the place.

UnknownPresident “Barack Hussein Obama” aspires “to get nukes to Iran,” he told WRKO radio. The president will be responsible for “tens of thousands” of deaths in the Middle East, apparently, because in Kirk’s twisted reality, Obama is Iran’s pro-nuke agent. He even likened U.S. negotiators to 1930s European leaders who appeased Adolf Hitler.

See?  Certifiable Louie Gohmert Fever.

But the newspaper in Illinois aren’t as gentle as the newspapers in Texas.

Mark Kirk suddenly has more in common with your unhinged uncle than a deliberative member of the U.S. Senate.

Illinoisans thought they elected a center-right fiscal conservative. They instead got the love child of Michele Bachmann and Ted Cruz.

I love that line.  I do.

Thanks to Bob for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “I Wish I Had Thought of That”

  1. You’ve gotta love it. You really do, it simply goes to show that Texas Stupid(TM) isn’t limited to Texas, it’s becoming an epidemic nationwide. The CDC better get that vaccine working, or the only other way to jump-start some of these brains will be 110VAC across the forehead.

  2. Hollyanna says:

    Love that line, too, JJ! Sorry it is so apt. We in Illinois must do our part to preserve Louie’s reputation and throw this cheap imitation out of office by voting for Tammy Duckworth.

  3. daChipster says:

    Well, in Mark Kirk’s defense, he DID have brain surgery after a massive stroke a couple of years back where dead sections of his brain were removed.

    Apparently, they missed a spot.

  4. Old Fart says:

    Let us see: The U.N. votes to accept a hard won treaty, which includes immediate return to sanctions if Iran is caught cheating and military actions against Iran have *never* been off the table, and Barrack *Hussein* Obama (The Great Pretender) is Iran’s nuke-daddy. And, of course, the speaker likely neither read nor pretends to understand the content of the treaty as it was signed.

    As usual, it is wrong just because…

  5. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    My Dad used to say “If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a MILLION TIMES not to exaggerate!” Republicans seem to understand the concept of “hyperbole” but the don’t seem to understand that, to be even a little bit effective, hyperbole has to have some attachment to at least one fact. But the Gohmert School of Public Oration never taught that lesson.

  6. maryelle says:

    Just imagine the low information voters who will swallow this whole. Hope they all choke on it.

  7. Uncle Dave says:

    This is a bit curious as, unlike Gohmert, Kirk does not run in a gerrymandered district but runs statewide.

  8. I think we should start referring to “Ronald WILSON Reagan” and remind the GOoPers that Wilson was a Democrat who, probably according to them, started a world war. He was also a hellacious racist, but I don’t think that will bother them.

  9. ‘Tis a thing of beauty.

  10. Marge Wood says:

    Do they have membership cards?

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    TalG, their heads are too insulated by intestinal wrappings for 110VAC to jump start what little brain matter that is open to discussion. Not sure a 440 breaker box would jump start what little any of them have, but it has a decent chance of dislodging their heads from their posteriors.

  12. Marcia in CO says:

    OMG … I love this:
    They instead got the love child of Michele Bachmann and Ted Cruz.

    Oh, the horrors!! LOL

  13. Due to Kirk’s massive health issues, he gets a pass on this from me but only just once. Frankly, I think thats fair. If not mama will let me know.

  14. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    “Ronald” has 6 letters. “Wilson” has 6 letters. “Reagan” has 6 letters. The mark of the Devil, even more so than the dinosaur cake that was on the intertubes this morning. The Gipper was pure evil, selling weapons to Iran even when Congress told him not to. I didn’t like the slimy bastard when he was in office and my opinion of him has deteriorated since he left office. Death hasn’t helped his cause one little bit.

  15. It is, of course, the WingNuts who want “to get nukes to Iran.” Only they want to drop them and kill lots of people.

  16. Apparently Michele Bachmann and Ted Cruz have more than one love child, cause there seems to be a herd of ’em preparating to be The GOP nominee-candidate-etc. And from my observation post its beginning to look a lot like the end of days for the GOP.

  17. Micr, I believe the correct collective term is not “herd” but “litter.” In several senses of the word.

  18. Zyxomma says:

    Right you are, LynnN.

  19. I’m not from Illinois but follow Tammy Duckworth on Facebook. She’s totally going to town over Sen. Kirk’s latest statements; he’s making it easy for her… I hope!
