I watched so you didn’t have to
12:00 PM January 20, 2017. Sitting at my desk, sobbing heavily and quietly into a napkin. I had no idea that was going to happen. It just welled up in the midst of a bite of lunch.
I had to watch – I feel it’s my duty in order to resist to study The Enemy. It’s on my phone via huffpost right now.
Here are the lowlights to a brief, (it ended at 12:19PM) catch-phrase-filled address: (transcribed in real time so apologies for any inaccuracies)
“…an education system flush with cash…” that’s news
“…the crime and the gangs and the drugs…American Carnage” new movie? Or the theme of your admin?
“…Oath of office = Oath of Allegiance to all Americans…” I don’t like that word
“…refusing to defend our borders…” who did?
“…wealth of the middle class ripped from their homes and reDIStributed (misprounounced) across the world…”
he’s stealing from Kennedy then says “from this day forward, America First.”
more hypocrisy over foreign products yadda yadda
“winning” yadda yadda
“…bring back our borders (?)…” where did they go?
a list of infrastructure
“…people off welfare and back to work across our country with American hands and American labor…” but not with with American Labor
“…we do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone…” ha!
“…unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism which we will eradicate from the face of the earth…” here comes the boom! Plus “eradicate” sounds very Final Solution-y
“…total allegiance to the United States of America…” that word again
“…when America is United, America is totally unstoppable…” TOTES dude
Now he’s singing “can do, can do, this guy says America can do” not really but he may as well
“…black, or brown or white, we all bleed the same red…” there’s some colors missing, and bleeding sounds ominous
“…you will never be ignored again…” can’t say the same for “ignorant”
“We will make America [list: Strong wealthy proud safe great]”
God yadda yadda, the end
A very short speech full of sound and fury, signifying nothing, except this
He wants total allegiance to the United States, which he thinks is now him. The disturbing meaning of the speech is that a shroud of muscular authoritarianism has fallen over our bright land, and people who belong in the penitentiary now control every lever of power we have.
12:30 and it’s all over. Get ready to resist.