I Was Told There Would Be Winning

September 24, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Thanks to Donna for the cool artwork.

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0 Comments to “I Was Told There Would Be Winning”

  1. “From the exotic home of the Orange Faced Dotard, comes 100% NAMBIAN covfefe! The world’s finest!”

  2. I always wondered where they grew covfefe.

  3. I think I heard about this.
    Is it the fancy kind of cofefe, like the coffee beans in Indonesia which before roasting, are first eaten & digested by a wild catlike creature?

    Only in this case, the beans are fed to cattle, partially digested, and come out with some bullshit?

  4. Does it come in regular and decafinated?

  5. Rick, I think you’re right about the role the livestock play.
    Tilphousia, I think what the country really wants is the deASSinated variety of covfefe.

  6. @Rick

    I guess I have common-as-muck tastes because I have sampled the kopi luwak coffee and still prefer a cup of Cafe du Monde, with or without a beignet.

    Can’t speak to 100% NAMBIAN or any other kind of covfefe.

  7. Mmmmmmmmmmm! Nothing like a tiny cup!

  8. Tilphousia…There’s regular and covfefenated actually.

  9. “I was told there would be winning.” No, that’s “whining.” And there’s been a remarkable amount of whining. Any day now he’ll threaten to hold his breath until he turns blue. Or, in the words of one small child in literature, “I’ll thcream and I’ll thcream till I’m thick!” (Won’t take long at all.)

  10. The cup has to be tiny. His hands aren’t big enough for a regular cup.

  11. Micr: At the Cafe du Monde the the coffee is exquisite (or at least it was 26 years ago). Beignets or not. And the lack of a queue was an experience.

  12. Powdered sugar. Definitely powdered sugar. But that’s just my opinion, and I’m just as full of as anyone else.

  13. But Juan Valdez and Conchita can’t be hauling those sacks of covfefe across the Nambian border any more, there’s a biiig invisible wall paid for by kneeler fines.

    As far as civet cat chit coffee, no way, keep it in the litterbox.

  14. @P.P.
    Cafe du Mond? Check
    Beignets? Check
    Powdered sugar? Check.
    Sunrise in Jackson Square? Priceless!

    Not sure if it was just covfefe in the bags Conchita and Juan hauled across the Namibian border. Late night, early morning, full moon.

  15. Speaking of drinking, I say a pix of the Barking Yam quaffing a stemware glass of what looked like wine after the UN speech debacle. I always thought he did not take alcohol or at least that is what he claimed. Of course, the claim was yesterday in temporal measurement and the story is probably not true today.
