I Was Over At The Dairy Queen This Morning And ….
… Alfredo says this is a Big Stinkin’ Deal. I believe him.
This might not be the end of dark money in politics but it’s a damn outstanding start.
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) won a stunning court decision.
In a major defeat for secret money in politics, a judge ruled that dark money groups that spend at least $250 in independent expenditures—a key type of political ad—must report every contributor who gave at least $200 in the past year as well as those who give to finance independent expenditures generally, throwing out an illegal three decades old regulation that was used to avoid disclosure and changing the legal landscape for political spending.
The fun part of this is that the decision stems from a court case in 2012 against Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS over its failure to disclose donors.
So if you have some wine left over from last night, now’s the time to give a toast to the good guys!
Thanks to Alfredo for the coffee and chat this morning.