I Want To Prepare You, Just In Case
I’m trying my best not to talk about you know who. His name makes my stomach churn. But, sometimes you can’t help it, especially if you have friends who might be caught off-guard and hear this while driving down the road, threading a sewing machine, or in the middle of jump starting a nuclear submarine.
So far, the former president has floated the creation of a third-party movement that would enable him to support MAGA-friendly candidates in the 2022 midterms and beyond. He is also interested in becoming “the nation’s leader on ballot and voting integrity,” his senior adviser Jason Miller said on a podcast last Thursday.
Yeah, I warned you. The nation’s leader on ballot and voting integrity. Honey, you can’t even square dance and think about that at the same time, much less make a sandwich.
However, this does bring up an interesting topic.
Dominion Voting Systems filed a defamation lawsuit this morning against Rudy Giuliani.
Dominion accuses Giuliani of promulgating the “Big Lie” that Dominion had tampered with votes to fix the election for Biden, in order to “financially enrich himself, to maintain and enhance his public profile, and to ingratiate himself to Donald Trump for money and benefits he expected to receive as a result of that association.”
This is a great idea, and it’s not because lawyering puts food on my table and pays the rent. You can’t stop Rudy’s free speech but you can make him responsible for it. If he has proof of Dominion’s comlicity and can show that malice wasn’t involved and that he was just doing this for good government, he has nothing to fear. Dominion, on the other hand, must be damn certain that their machines are trustworthy or they wouldn’t be filing all these lawsuits. They, too, are liable if they are just filing them to be pesky.
You’d think that if what’s-his-name and Rudy believed that Dominion screwed them out of an election, they’d be suing Dominion, not just yakking about it. But, hummmm …. they sued Rudy for $1.3 Billion. Yeah, with a B.
I can just see the Trump Voting System – please come vote on these genuine 1 Karat gold Trump voting machines, where you vote counts twice as much if you vote Trump.