I Wanna Say

February 09, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so if I went into a bank and the guy who was ready to help me open a new account was wearing shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, I dunno, but I’d likely think he wasn’t a real serious guy. I’d be highly unlikely to give him my money.

So, I’m gonna say something and I do not want to hear about misogyny. This ain’t that.

One of the reasons I cannot take Jim Jordan seriously is that he doesn’t take his appearance as a congressman seriously. When he is not in the actual capitol complex, I don’t care what he wears as long as it covers his private parts. I would add that I don’t think he should ever, in any place for any reason I can think of, dress in an attempt to look provocative. I do not know of any way Jim Jordan could look provocative but that’s just my opinion. Eric Swalwell, well that’s just a whole ‘nother thing.

Anyway, I wrote all that to talk about this:


Someone I know said that Kyrsten Sinema dressed that way to show her “independent spirit.” No, she wore that dress to show her “bad taste.” Honey, she should have left that dress hanging from the curtain rod.

And then there’s that woman who wore a white fur coat to remind everybody of the Chinese spy balloon.

Seriously, she thought she was embarrassing Joe Biden, but ended up scaring Dalmatians.

She really thought the balloon was going to be the big story of the night but discovered that if people were all that concerned about privacy they would unplug Alexia and destroy all their neighbors’ Ring.

Majorie Taylor Green spent $600 on a coat to look like a joke. However, she does a pretty damn good job of it for free.


0 Comments to “I Wanna Say”

  1. Hmmm… I thought MTG wore the white fur thingie to “own the libs” who don’t like the idea of mink farms.

    Either way, she looks like a fool.

    Sinema looks like a fool, too. Even as a new employee at my first job, I knew you didn’t wear a party dress to work.

  2. I have never seen a United States senator wear uglier clothing than Sen. Sinema. She has no class at all. The variety of inappropriate clothing, hair, shoes, glasses, etc. that I’ve seen on her is breathtaking. And Ms. Greene has not one atom of class in her entire body.

  3. Sam in Mellen says:

    I believe that coat came from one of the dogs George Santos raised money for.

  4. That outfit Sinema is wearing reminds me of that Carol Burnett skit where she wears the drapes.

  5. Kate Dungan says:

    A really bad choice for a bridesmaid dress, or maybe it was left over from her high school prom.

  6. thatotherjean says:

    What Malarkey said, up at #1.

    I did think a garden party dress that would have looked appropriate outdoors in July if she were holding a glass of punch, looked almighty peculiar at the State of the Union gathering in February. Ms. Sinema really needs to hire a style consultant.

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    Kyrsten Sinema came to the Senate to make money; she’s been doing well because Manchin has coached her. Sadly, he didn’t give her any clothing advice. MTG? Honey, she’s just plain old white trash. If you saw a picture of her standing and wearing that, she looked like she was trying to escape from a dumpling.

  8. I feel sorry for Sinema. She looks like a woman trying to relive her Middle School/High School years, when the Mean Girls made her life hell. This time Sinema has money & power, and she can be as mean as she wants to be. Meanwhile, lobbyists and other “politician owners” have made her feel welcome and accepted in their -ah- circles.

    Its really quite sad, if its true. I don’t know much about her. She is behaving very 14-year-old-girl-ish.

  9. Harry Eagar says:

    Grandma Ada, if you missed Fox melting down over Carville calling Greene white trash — they said it’s racist, which just shows they don’t know what racism means — hunt it down. I guarantee you’ll enjoy it.

  10. my original thought was Kristen screwed up and though this was a red carpet event for the Oscars, or that she was a canary in a white coal mine.

  11. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Mark@ 9- yesterday when I saw a few stories of MTG howling in congress, what she reminded me of was a baboon raging. That howler monkey look is pretty close, though. Now, I hope no one takes offense because I was thinking of a cross between an early Neanderthal woman and a baboon. I know there are many people with significant Neanderthal DNA (that don’t look or act like her) but she is something else. Maybe I should just say cave woman.
    As for gym jordan, every time I see or hear him, I think of his being in the locker room at Ohio State:

  12. That dress is a nightmare. I have long had a problem with her casual dress in the senate. Maybe she’s learning from some of the female newscaster who dress like they are on their way to a cocktail party or a company picnic. My age is showing. One did not wear lace or chiffon until after 5. Bring on the Hawaiian shirts and shorts. They could not show their disrespect for the Capitol of the USA anymore.
    If there is any ism happening, it’s against the men who are expected to be in a coat and tie. All except GYM.

  13. That dress is what a rube would wear to the Met Gala.

  14. As my sister the fashionista would say (about both of them): Bless her heart. Her taste is all in her mouth.

  15. As an Ohioan, Jim Jordan embarrasses me everyday he breathes, jacket-less.

    Kyrsten Sinema probably will be wearing that dress in ten years when she’s dancing around her house thinking about the old days when people expected her to care about her constituents.
    Or she will sell the ugly thing online.

    Marge Green probably first went hunting at an animal shelter to get that fur. After she got thrown out—-she climbed into Sinema’s house and stole it from her.

  16. The Surly Professor says:

    Agreed with all the above, but I gotta point out: ” … ended up scaring Dalmatians” is one of JJ’s all-time greatest slams. And that’s from someone who also deserves a lifetime achievment award for great slams.

    [Gotta admit that I was off the congressional staffers and briefing menu the summer that I decided it was ridiculous to wear a jacket and tie in 90 degree weather with 95% humidity. So I decided that clean underwear and shirt and pants, plus socks that almost matched, was sufficient sacrifice to the gods of fashion in Congress]

  17. $600 for that coat? No wonder she thinks her $174k salary isn’t enough.

  18. Sandridge says:

    “if people were all that concerned about privacy”
    Don’t forget the biggest surveillance operation anyone has running: The Goog. Google has been vacuuming up, analyzing, and shaping almost everyone and everything under the sun and stars [with a few other players] for decades.

    Of course none of those Rethug politicians yowling about spy balloons have Chinese made and provisioned smartphones in their pockets…
    Nor did they utter a peep about Komrade Donnei Trumpf’s [and crime family] complete disdain for any form of security. Or his open use of totally unsecured mobile phones, from the beginning right up to the present day.
    Yes, the Russian/Chinese/Israeli/Saudi/? ASSet still has access to national secrets!

  19. Sandridge says:

    And speaking of howling female howler primates, this photo montage pretty well captures the fetid unchained essence of that MTG specimen [it’s been around but didn’t see it mentioned here yet], brace yourself before viewing :

  20. I think she’s boinking McCarthy. Maybe he bought her that coat. She feels invincible now (as she noted). After the pics posted of them all huggy and lovey I can’t help but wonder. I HAVE NO EVIDENCE THIS IS TRUE. But the pics of them embracing made me wonder.

    They deserve each other.

  21. Sinema fancies herself a style icon. She just does. She’s impervious to criticism on this. She’s a type: “theatrical” without being able to act, etc. I’ve known and loved several such women. It doesn’t bother me.

    Her cynical political grubbing *does* bother me, and critiquing her fashion sense is a sideshow that trivializes *everything*.

  22. (There is a “masculine” anti-type to this, most clearly exemplified by John Fetterman – Dickies, hoodies, shorts, an anti-style icon. He does manage to wear a suit -an ill-fitting one – on the floor of the Senate)

  23. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Sandridge- yup, the essence of MTG. Thanks

  24. Suzanne Melton says:

    Turns out, MTG was actually dressed appropriately!

  25. Old but Slow says:

    How many Angora cats were sacrificed for that coat?

  26. Sandridge – yes, howler monkey. In a contest as to who looked more ridiculous though, I’d still have to choose the wacky canary.

    Regarding the Chinese spy balloon, Pegasus, the Israeli created, undetectable malware that attaches to cell phones and can access everything on it without your knowledge says, “Here, hold my beer!” (Read the book)

  27. Steve @24, Yep, I used a ‘polite’ word for it, the ‘t’ word [eeeww].

    AK Lynne @26, I deliberately chose not to impugn the monkeys…using the generic ‘primate’ instead, which MTG barely qualifies. Sinema’s just a splashy dit, MTG’s an actual insidious threat.

    Right, Pegasus and all the other coded ops are deadly serious threats to us all. They’ve profitably sold it to the worst actors among others. But maybe it’s designed to spy on the spies? Nahh.
    And I’ve classed the Israelis on our national enemies list since the USS Liberty attack. Still had a bit of sympathy for them considering the neighborhood, but that’s pretty well gone.

  28. Her definition of a furrie .

  29. Buttermilk Sky says:

    A Chinese satellite? I thought she was trying to look like Huggy Bear, the pimp on “Starsky and Hutch.” If you have to explain your costume, it’s not working.

    Carville has always been an a-hole but it’s classism, not racism. When he was working for Clinton he said, “You drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park, there’s no telling what you’ll find,” to disparage all the women accusing his boss of sexual misconduct. How did that work out?

  30. I know what you mean about certain appearances JJ! I live in one of the most Liberal towns in a Liberal state and my Bank of America financial advisor (aka financial gambler) was wearing a Jerry Garcia necktie one day. Lol though quite the opposite, I trusted him more after that!
    Looks like Sinema and Green got their futuristic costumes from a Hollywood ‘Lost In Space’ warehouse sale.
    “Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!”

  31. Sandridge @20 Hahaha thanks! Looks like she was born it that cocoon, it fits her spewing face perfectly! Or were those pics from a daytime game show?

  32. Suzanne Melton @25 Bingo, thanks!

  33. treehugger says:

    Sinema must have mistaken the SotU with some awards ceremony red carpet strut. Bad taste. Re MTG: I do love this Matt Davies cartoon: https://twitter.com/MatttDavies/status/1623461758319960066/photo/1
    And Randy Rainbow’s take on MTG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQ8ldD9wKmY

  34. Rick Stelter says:

    And Sinema thought that she was never gonna get her money’s worth from that bridesmaid’s dress her friend made her buy 25 years ago…

  35. As for Sinema, you don’t hang up a dress like that. You park it in a garage.

    MTG wearing a fur coat in a heated auditorium? Now you know how smart she’s not.
