I Try So Hard

June 10, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I try so hard not to hate Republicans, but God forgive me, I do.  I just hate them.

I wake up every day starting anew, telling myself that I will not hate Republicans today.  I’ll disagree with them intellectually, but I will not hate them.  I’m semi-successful at this endeavor.  Some days I notice that it’s 8:30 a.m. and so far I have not hated Republicans.  I feel smug and sure of myself that I can go a whole day without hating Republicans.  Then I get out of bed.

By 10:30, I have talked to Sweet Jesus four or five times, asking, “What is wrong with these people?”


They met the night of the inauguration.  While President Barack Obama was dancing with his amazing wife, while people all over the world were celebrating that the American Dream is real – the child of a single mother, raised in middle class America, can become President of the United States of America, while African American and Hispanic mothers rejoiced that they were no longer lying when they told their children that they could become President one day, while people all over the world were trying to hope after eight years of a President even Republicans are now ashamed of   …. they met to hatch a plan to bring him down.  Not as a Party.  But as a man.

Show united and unyielding opposition to the president’s economic policies. (Eight days later, Minority Whip Cantor would hold the House Republicans to a unanimous No against Obama’s economic stimulus plan.)

They refused to even give him a chance.

Tomorrow morning, I’m gonna try one more time not to hate them.  But I doubt I’ll make it to even 8:30.  Just saying.

Thanks to Bud for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “I Try So Hard”

  1. I was a Nixon apologist. Reagan drove me away, and I’ve never looked back. The R’s have become the party of Economic Feudalism. No room for a middle class, just the Lords and Serfs. How could you not hate them? The truly sad fact, is how many ignorant Serfs think that one day they too shall be Lords. Scary, scary, scary. Sad, sad, sad:(

  2. You’re not alone. I decided that it is OK for me to hate Republicans. Hell, I can smell one around the corner! So it goes…

  3. Juanita ~~ Oh, you have plenty of company! Can I join your club? ~~ Hugs, Moms

  4. Lisa Strom says:

    I used to wonder why my mother would have such strong words about Republicans. Now I know. I too have no empathy with them either. I have tried, but they are truly evil.

  5. Okie girl says:

    If you ever figure out how to stop hating them, let me know. My lip starts to curl when I even think about them, which can be a problem when they are family!

  6. m in El Paso says:

    I even tried Karen Armstrong’s “Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life.” The twelfth step is “Love your enemies.” Beautiful idea. No luck so far. Some ideas & behaviors & the people that own them just seem unlovable. Meanwhile our idealistic president came into office determined to work with them. Little did he know what they had planned.

  7. Martiki says:

    I grew up believing you should never hate anyone. It is still difficult for me to admit to hatred, but I have to admit that Mont ( a relative on my husband’s side) caused me to abandon that practice when he called me a friend of Nazi’s. I’m closer to being a socialist than a Nazi, but I think Mont was probably using Rove’s tactic and calling other people what he is guilty of.

  8. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Bless you for trying. I can no longer stomach the sound of their voices so when the radio on my desk mentions Mitchy-Mitch or Mittens or the Orange Oompa Loompa from Ohio, I turn down the sound for a few minutes to keep my blood from boiling.

  9. I found out YEARS ago that FOX was the opiate of the ignorant. MY relatives swear by it……I swear AT it! The hate and gullibility of these people is amazing, as you know, it’s hard being a Dem in the south. Repubs can poison your emotions…

  10. You should hate Republicans, and this is just one good example of why.

    Colorado state rep Marsha Looper continually votes against giving gay people any legal protections whatsoever. She always votes the standard GOP party line when it comes to The Gay.

    And yet, she has a gay son.

    What kind of sick person do you have to be to put your political career and party politics ahead of protecting your own child? What sort of sad parent does that?

    The answer to that question: you have to be a Republican parent to care more about scoring political points than you do about loving your children.

    Sick. And sad.

    So hate away, JJ. They deserve our contempt.


  11. Remember about a month ago I had a great idea to pray instead of get mad at republicans?

    I am ashamed to say I failed, big time and repeatedly.
    The kids are gone, but are liberal Democrats too.
    Which is good since it is just my husband and I and whenever the word ‘republican’ is said in this house, it is preceded by a verb that you do not want your momma to hear!!!!

  12. You are definitely NOT alone in your feelings regarding the Repukes, the TPers, or anyone or anything that even vaguely smacks of their possible heredity!! I am hoping that it is discovered that it was one of these hateful Republicans that leaked the confidential info that ole John McCain is blaming on Obama and literally smacking his lips about! Oh, I am SO hoping it is discovered that a Republican did this outrageous act!!

  13. Not only hypocritical, mean, nasty, devious and just plain stupid.
    Read the site below


    And out of touch with reality.
    See what a little coffee does for you???

  14. Mimi Diane says:

    My sweet husband told me once in the presence of my children that I had taught them to hate Republicans and Yankees. I immediately replied, “Then I have done my job well.”

  15. Uncle Dave says:

    Hate is such a waste of time; instead consider pity. Pity those Republicans who lack the proverbial pot and window and yet support turning this nation into a plutocracy. Even try to pity those pusillanimous bullies who, like cockroaches, have to spread their filth when they can’t be seen. Pity them if you can, but kick their sorry butts to the curb.

  16. Punkinbugg says:

    I worked a Dallas phone bank Saturday where I called Florida voters (R’s and D’s) to ask if they were planning to support Obama in November. Quite a few said yes wholeheartedly, some were undecided, and a few said no. One old man responded to my question with a “HAR HAR HAR are you kidding? After what he’s done to this country?!?” I replied, “I’m so sorry you feel that way, sir. Thank you for your time.” His har har har sounded so hateful. Scary hateful. They’re the party of hate, not us.

  17. I used to say that I was an independent who couldn’t find a Republican worth voting for, but now I’m proud to be a damn Liberal.

    Even Norman Ornstein says the crazy has gone too far:


    So ol’ Norman should be under the bus any minute now…

    If he’s right that’s the best news I’ve heard since finding out that Fran and Juanita’s secretary are going to Charlotte.

  18. The thing that makes me saddest about all of this is that I have friends who have been very dear to me over the years, and the minute they say anything against Obama or tell me that they are Republicans, I instantly change my feelings about them.

    I try not to make an issue of it outwardly, but I am horrified by their attitude, no longer want to be around them and wonder how they could be so blind and ignorant.

  19. daChipster says:

    Maybe I’ve become curmudgeonly and intolerant in my middle age, but I agree: what’s not to hate?

    This used to be a nice place; they’re ruining EVERYTHING.

  20. JumpinJimmy says:

    Sorry folks, Theres not a dimes worth of difference between the two parties. Obama ran on anti war…war on baby! ….its a shell game. We The People never win.

  21. BarbinDC says:

    @JumpinJimmy: You are what is politely called a “low information voter.” Please do us all a favor and stay home on Election Day.

  22. daChipster says:

    Jimmy, there is MUCH more than a dimes’ worth of difference. Part of my burgeoning curmudgery is over people who say such things. It’s not hip above-the-frayness when you do; it’s the intellectually lazy logical fallacy of false equivalence – and that’s the most charitable interpretation I can put on it!

    Less charitable interpretations include accusations of being a trollist agent provocateur, and/or aspersions cast upon ethics, intelligence and ancestry.

    Since you are clearly a discerning connoisseur of political discourse (you’re here, aren’t you) I can allay those suspicions poste haste.

    Here’s the deal: one party believes too much government is bad for democracy, and keeps electing bad people just to prove it. The same party thinks too much democracy is bad for government, and tries to gerrymander their way into control.

    One party pretends to think climate science is a scam, because it hurts their benefactors. The same party pretends to think astronomy, biology and paleontology are all scams, too, because it goes against the mythology of their base.

    One party claims to protect religious freedom by imposing their morality on all, especially in matters related to the groin. The same party claims to protect the franchise by disenfranchising targeted populations. The same party claims yet again to protect freedom of the press, by attacking the free press.

    To serve education by cutting teachers.
    To serve health care by protecting its profits.
    To serve the poor by helping the rich.
    To serve workers by enriching the bosses.
    To protect the environment by deregulating polluters.
    To govern responsibly by not governing at all.

    In short, they pursue oligarchy at the expense of democracy and promise noblesse oblige will fill our bellies while curing our ills and saving our souls.

    Do you REALLY think there is no difference between the parties?


  23. Uncle Dave says:


    Amen brother! Cynicism is a cop out. Sarcasm that isn’t mean spirited is good and often a means of staying sane, but cynicism is giving up without a fight.

  24. m in El Paso says:

    To daChipster — I used to think my son, Ben, provided the best informed citizen political arguments (i.e. He’s not a professional political writer — just active in his local party’s affairs, going door-to-door where needed, speaking out on Facebook & in letters to the powers-that-be). Your in-put (above) is right up there with the best there is! Thanks!

  25. I’ve been ‘registered’ republican all my life…..voting republican is another story. Part of the reason I didn’t change was to cause trouble – well you can’t even do that anymore. When you can quote Barry Goldwater to use against the republican party (When you say “radical right” today, I think of these moneymaking ventures by fellows like Pat Robertson and others who are trying to take the Republican Party away from the Republican Party, and make a religious organization out of it. If that ever happens, kiss politics goodbye.) I really don’t think it’s fair that they get to use the republican name any more. Maybe if you can think back over 20 yrs when there were republicans that would actually work with democrats and compromise and listen to the people it might help. At least that’s what I try and tell myself – isn’t working real well though. While I won’t give the dems a free pass I’d rather vote for a not so great dem than one that calls themselves a republican since 99% of them are just batshit crazy.

  26. I got tired of trying to be conciliatory to the repubs over here in San Antonio. Now I just wish I could just drive to work without keeping my middle finger deployed to express my displeasure with the bumper stickers.

  27. daChipster, where else are you writing? Don’t even try to say that Juanita’s customers are the only ones blessed with your wonderful tales.

  28. Vicky Jackson says:

    Even my cats are worried that I am yelling curses at the TV way more than usual. Republicans even look like Republicans. They are all looking like Mitch McConnell. It’s sad. VJ
