I. Told. You. So. (Post Impeachment Announcement)

September 25, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Impeachment, Trump, Uncategorized

So it starts.  Two nights ago the right-wingers were all aflutter, excitedly posting that everyone should be sure to watch Hannity because he was going to drop the bomb on Biden and his son, Hunter, even predicting that Biden’s campaign was “cooked” and over.  What was the “bomb”?  The same old warmed over bullshit that Hannity always peddles.  Take whatever Trump is doing, turn it upside down, change the names and label it a Democratic scandal.  Never mind that the only sane person at Fox Noise, Shephard Smith, inoculated against their viewers earlier in the day telling his viewers that “this is not about Biden, it’s about the phone call.” How correct he was.

When news broke last week that there was a whistleblower complaint against Trump about this conduct in a call with Ukrainian president Zelensky, Trump hitman Rudy Giuliani went into full meltdown, shouting about some fictional corruption of Joe Biden.  That narrative the fell apart when news broke that Trump had ordered the freeze of some $400 million in military aid to Ukraine to put maximum pressure on Zelensky to force him to investigate the Bidens.  So, to be clear, Trump used the full power of the US government to damage his US political opponent.  When caught, his cronies have desperately tried to flip the story around that Trump wasn’t really trying to get Ukraine to open a fake investigation on Biden, but really trying to get Ukraine to clean up its own corruption (which coincidently happened to suddenly include Biden and his son Hunter).  It’s nonsense, but as we’ve discussed, totally predictable.

Then Nancy Pelosi happened.  Yesterday afternoon, in a serious speech to the nation, Pelosi announced the beginning of a formal impeachment inquiry against Trump.  The shift in politics was seismic.  To pile on Trump, word then got out that he had called Pelosi yesterday morning wanting to “work something out” about the whistleblower report that she’s demanding.  It’s reported that she told him that his people should follow the law.  That call to Pelosi was the tell that Trump has figured out that he’s screwed the pooch.  He’s in real trouble and that fact has finally penetrated the narcissistic fog within which he hides.  You can tell he knows just based on his speech which he barely got through and the remarks he made to the press prior to the speech.  He’s told so many lies that he can’t keep them straight, and is picking up the pace of lying trying to worm out of this one.  To wit:

  1. Earlier this week, Trump admitted that he talked to Zelensky about Biden, but his first excuse was that it was to get Ukraine to crack down on corruption (supposedly Biden’s), and said that was why he was withholding the $400 million in military aid.  Yesterday he changed his story, saying he withheld it funding because European countries weren’t paying their fair share.
  2. Trump is lying about European countries not paying.  The EU has already provided $16.5 billion in economic support of Ukraine after Russia’s attempt to annex the country.  Additionally, NATO has an active program in place to support Ukraine’s defense efforts.
  3. He then said he’s leading in the polls.  That’s a blatant lie since he actually trailed Biden in recent polls by about 15 points nationally and trails Biden in the swing states.  He’s even trailing Warren nationally, even though he’s leading her in some swing states.
  4. Then he said that since he’s leading in the polls, the only way “they” can get him is impeachment, which has “never happened before”.  See Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon, and Andrew Johnson.
  5. Lastly, Trump said that he put no pressure on Zelensky about Biden, but that Ukraine should clean up its corruption that Biden had supposedly engaged in.  He continues to lie about this even though the prosecutor in Ukraine that replace ousted Viktor Shokin (who actually was corrupt) publicly stated that there was no evidence of wrongdoing by either Joe Biden or his son Hunter.

For this tsunami of lies, the Washington Post awarded Trump 4 Pinocchios this morning.  Predictably, the Noise Machine is desperately trying to distract from yesterday’s disaster by whipping up “the Democrats did this,” “Joe Biden did that,” “Trump’s been investigated since he was born,” blah, blah, blah, but you can tell that the entire machine is on its heels, at least at this moment.

Will the system work and end this long national nightmare?  I don’t know yet, but you can feel the seismic shift in  our politics.  I continue to believe that as the cost of Trump goes ever higher, the Repubs will jettison him and throw him to the wolves.  We’re far from that yet, but you can see his iron grip starting to weaken.  Ousting him can’t happen too soon.

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0 Comments to “I. Told. You. So. (Post Impeachment Announcement)”

  1. I’ll lay money on the table. You may have an even higher number of “retirements” occur amongst old school GOP, but Moscow Mitch will keep hand on the tiller and the party will not back down. They will support the short fingered vulgarian and bury the impeachment as soon as it hits the Senate.

    Do it anyway. Make ’em go on record as supporting the most corrupt president* ever…but they won’t toss him.

  2. Cannot wait to see which Senators will jump ship and become “Democrats” lest their own goose be cooked along with the Golden Gibbon!

    Oh, and just wait for it! The “base” will be screaming like gutted pigs over this whilst they sweat away pounds over the fate of their “champion” (????).

    And when the GG finally figures it out, he will take a dive like Nixon and fly off somewhere to play golf when he should actually be doing time at Leavenworth!

  3. The Goopers are whirling like mad dervishes, trying to distract and obfuscate.

    I am delighted, I must say, that Nancy Pelosi waited until now. First, anger is at a fever peak, not too many Ds are wavering and, second, unlike the Russia deal, this one has old QTip Dense squarely in the barrel along with Spankee. I’ve always believed QTip is dirty, but this scandal has him dead to rights. If everything gets handled correctly, Spankee may not be getting the pardon he thinks he “deserves”…

    Two, two, two (impeach)ments in one!

    Color me gleeful.

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    And don’t forget, that conversation happened in July! I’m surprised he can even remember having it much less coming up with a transcript. Even Moscow Mitch allowed a vote to hear from the whistle blower.

  5. News today. The Justice Department has decided not to allow the whistleblower complaint to be released. Barr strikes again.
    The “transcript” does not include any mention of the military aid, which had already been blocked by Trump.
    Republicans are crowing that there is no quid pro quo, but the fact that Trump sought foreign involvement against Biden is enough in itself to qualify as an impeachable offense.

  6. There is mention of military aid: The Ukrainian President says he would like to get more Javelin, a military system. Trump immediately says, I want you to do me a favor. Then he names the Attorney General and Rudy as people he wants him to work with in investigating Biden. Clearly that is the quid pro quo.

  7. People on my Twitter feed have wondered what would happen if Combover Quisling won all the NSDAP, excuse me, NSGOP primaries, especially given that some states don’t plan to have them in 2020. He’s not the nominee until the national convention makes it so. You can bet they’ll find a way to dump him if they determine that keeping him costs them too much.

    Plus, massive coronaries work very nicely in that regard, and he’s visibly doing next to nothing to prevent one.

  8. All we need is for one former president to speak up in favor of impeachment — Bush. Clinton can’t, and Carter is too cliche.

    Oh, and then there’s Obama. I’d like to see him wait until the House votes to impeach, and then My President can issue a statement along the lies of “Na na na na na, na.”

    And then it’s OK with me if the Senate does not impeach Trump. That way, Pence can’t pardon him. No, let’s get a long list of all his high crimes and leave them in place until Trump is a private citizen once more. eligible for criminal prosecution, and let’s get him some jail time.

  9. The Rs will become desperate for Trump to resign sooner, rather than tough out impeachment, because by Article II of the Constitution, President Pence cannot pardon the crimes in the impeachment case.


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