I Told You So

April 29, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I told you that this presidential season is gonna be fun.

Donald Trump is lighting up my life, y’all.

Donald Trump, at a campaign event in New Hampshire, touted his building expertise to show how he’ll tackle border security and immigration reform, the Washington Post reports.

Said Trump: “I will build the best wall, the biggest, the strongest, not penetrable, they won’t be crawling over it, like giving it a little jump and they’re over the wall, it costs us trillions. And I’ll have Mexico pay for the wall. Because Mexico is screwing us so badly. I will take it from out of just a small fraction of the money they’ve been screwing us for over the last number of years.”

The man is foreign policy genius.

But, no, no, no, no…. he is not finished yet.

“I will disclose my records. I will disclose everything. And I tell you what: People will be very, very, impressed.”

But if he drops his drawers, not so much.

I considered putting a picture of Trump with this post but damn, it’s early in the morning.  I just can’t do that to myself.

Thanks to Craig for the heads up.

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