I Told You It Was Contageous

February 12, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

They have done caught a bad case of chronic Gohmerts in England.

Women are being wrongly warned during counselling sessions at allegedly “independent” clinics that an abortion could lead to serious health damage, including an increased risk of breast cancer and a propensity to sexually abuse children, The Telegraph can disclose.

It can also make you like Monty Python and Piers Morgan.  And give you a high propensity to sexually abuse the Queen of England.

Oh my word.  Can you even imagine what would happen if Michelle Bachmann finds out about this?  It would be all she could talk about for a full damn year.

Thanks to Sharon for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “I Told You It Was Contageous”

  1. Heard that bushwah before. Totally baseless. England has had abortion availability for years. What bothers the Brits the most is the arrival on their shores of the type of ‘thinking” evidenced by abortion opponents. They really don’t want that kind of crazy in the UK. They have enough “crazy” of their own, thank you.

  2. OK – I admit I clicked on the link because you just HAD to be mistaken on that abortions-can-make-you-sexually-abuse-children thing. No, you weren’t.

  3. Not to worry about Crazy Eyes. She is still talkin’ to gawd


  4. Marge Wood says:

    Good grief. That is strange, regardless of whether you are for or against abortion.

  5. Is it viral or bacterial, ’cause teabag-itis has to be eradicated… on both sides of the pond.

  6. Wait a minute. Just a couple days ago we had this Republican Congressman from Tennessee bragging that he and his wife had gotten themselves “fixed.” Makes you wonder if they’ve turned into child abusers. Which way do these Bible-thumping baggers want it?!

  7. If the right wingers didn’t lie then they would have no platform at all.
