I Thought It Was Parody
Y’all, this world is getting too confusing.
Last week, I posted a story about Michele Bachmann that turned out to be satire. I believed the story because it was crazy but then so is Michele Bachmann.
I wasn’t going to let that happen again.
Oh no. Not me. I’m not falling for that again.
Y’all, it’s serious. It’s umbrellagate.
The writer of the story at The Daily Caller says that Marines cannot carry umbrellas. But, here’s a picture of one holding an umbrella over what the Daily Caller calls “the First Head.” They weren’t kidding. The First Head. Dude, it’s the President of the United Damn States of America.
According to Marine Corps regulation MCO P1020.34F of the Marine Corps Uniform Regulations chapter 3, a male Marine is not allowed to carry an umbrella while in uniform. There is no provision in the Marine Corps uniform regulation guidelines that allows a male Marine to carry an umbrella.
Nevertheless, during a press conference under a light drizzle with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan this morning, President Obama allowed the First Head to be protected from the elements by an umbrella held by a male Marine corporal.
So what was President Obama supposed to do? Grab the umbrella out of the Marine’s hand and beat him over the 3,578,341th Head with it?
Hey, at least it wasn’t this!
Now here’s the catcher. Male Marines cannot hold an umbrella but female Marines can. Let’s just replace all the male Marines at the White House with females who have enough sense to come in out of the rain. Problem solved.
And to fight back on Facebook, steal this picture: