I Think I Have This Straight
Trumpville has started eating their own. And in the most delicious way.
It’s a convoluted story but I’m gonna try to sort it out.
The Washington Post announced that Jason Miller has resigned his newly named position as the Trump campaign’s Communications Director to spend more time with his family. Well, that right there makes your ears perk up because nobody ever resigns where that’s the real reason.

Come to find out, another member of the Trump transition team, a woman named A. J. Delgado, had jumped on Twitter and announced to the whole world that Miller was having an affair. Apparently the Trump campaign uses Twitter for it’s inner-office communication.
Delgado said that Miller was the “The 2016 version of John Edwards.” She also added that he needed to resign and that it was “spooky” that he hadn’t already done so.
No, here’s spooky: Trolling a man on Christmas Eve and then deactivating your Twitter account. That’s spooky.
“When people need to resign graciously and refuse to, it’s a bit . . . spooky,” one tweet read. It was followed by another saying Miller “needed to resign . . . yesterday.”
Delgado deactivated her Twitter account Saturday and could not be reached for comment Sunday.
Now it gets spookier. Come to find out …
According to the New York Post, Delgado, Miller and another Trump aide were seen in a Las Vegas Strip club on the night before the final presidential debate in October with three employees from CNN, NBC and ABC.
And it also gets weird. It seems that Delgado went on the electric teevee and said that Donald Trump’s lewd comments about grabbing women weren’t a big deal.
In early October, as some Republicans abandoned Trump after a videotape revealed lewd talk years earlier by the GOP nominee, Delgado tweeted: “Trump’s talk has zero impact on how his policies would affect Americans. But sure, let’s waste a day in the Ivory Tower feigning outrage.” She frequently defended him in TV appearances during the campaign.
Whoa. Did she say “feigning outrage”?
You know, I think we haven’t heard the end of this story. At least I hope we haven’t.