I Think I Have This Straight

December 26, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trumpville has started eating their own. And in the most delicious way.

It’s a convoluted story but I’m gonna try to sort it out.

The Washington Post announced that Jason Miller has resigned his newly named position as the Trump campaign’s Communications Director to spend more time with his family. Well, that right there makes your ears perk up because nobody ever resigns where that’s the real reason.



Come to find out, another member of the Trump transition team, a woman named A. J. Delgado, had jumped on Twitter and announced to the whole world that Miller was having an affair. Apparently the Trump campaign uses Twitter for it’s inner-office communication.

Delgado said that Miller was the “The 2016 version of John Edwards.”  She also added that he needed to resign and that it was “spooky” that he hadn’t already done so.

No, here’s spooky:  Trolling a man on Christmas Eve and then deactivating your Twitter account. That’s spooky.

“When people need to resign graciously and refuse to, it’s a bit . . . spooky,” one tweet read. It was followed by another saying Miller “needed to resign . . . yesterday.”

Delgado deactivated her Twitter account Saturday and could not be reached for comment ­Sunday.

Now it gets spookier.  Come to find out …

According to the New York Post, Delgado, Miller and another Trump aide were seen in a Las Vegas Strip club on the night before the final presidential debate in October with three employees from CNN, NBC and ABC.

And it also gets weird.  It seems that Delgado went on the electric teevee and said that Donald Trump’s lewd comments about grabbing women weren’t a big deal.

In early October, as some Republicans abandoned Trump after a videotape revealed lewd talk years earlier by the GOP nominee, Delgado tweeted: “Trump’s talk has zero impact on how his policies would affect Americans. But sure, let’s waste a day in the Ivory Tower feigning outrage.” She frequently defended him in TV appearances during the campaign.

Whoa.  Did she say “feigning outrage”?

You know, I think we haven’t heard the end of this story. At least I hope we haven’t.


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0 Comments to “I Think I Have This Straight”

  1. Ven zhe zmilez jou can zee her vampire teeth…(she’d even scare Elvira)

  2. I can’t wait to see the next chapter. I am hoping the entire team of deplorables will soon melt down to a puddle of mud.

  3. Please do take note that this is happening during a season a lot of folks hold to their heart and that the inauguration in about a month away. My take on this is: Glowing coals with an arrow. I would bet there damn sure is more and its going to grow and keep popping up exactly when CJ doesn’t need or want it. I must try harder to hold back my tears! Not!!! At the top of my other list of edibles is Kellyann, she who rarely if ever blinks. I do recall Karen Hughes in the Dubya administration who had a really choice job with the Prez, enrolled her son straight out of a TX school into a real upper crust prep school only to discover that junior just couldn’t cut the ice academically, then folded her tent and left. Or at least that was the reason she fed the main stream media. Goodness, this is all getting just so juicy!

  4. Captain Dan says:

    Racism was the major influence in the election!

  5. Delgado was my reason to switch channels. She was abrasive and “the mouth that roared”. I was hoping JJean’s fine piece would end with Delgado being thrashed for being a snitch.

  6. Oh, saints preserve us!

    A.J. Delgado – the only woman alive who can make Ann Coulter sound like a paragon of reason! And the only one who can lie faster and louder than KellyAnne, though not as convincingly. This noxious she-creature occasionally infested Chris Hayes’ show. When I went on to his FaceBook page to complain, I was one among legions.

    Maybe if she knocks out a few more of Trump’s appointees with her firehose stream of venomous bile, she’ll actually accomplish some good in the world. But I wouldn’t count on it. Evil is her milieu.

  7. Since I’ve never actually studied French, I Googled. And it turns out that instead of milieu, I should more properly said metier. Though in Hellgado’s case, both apply: evil is both her occupation and her social environment.

  8. I am happy to say that I don’t know who any of these awful people are and don’t give a rat’s patoot. (No, autocorrect, I do not mean “potato.” I can spell potato better than that.)

  9. slipstream says:

    Making America Sleazy Again!

  10. While I Do Not Advocate for us liberals/progressives to adopt the same type of venomous verbiage as them, we must not be too concerned with being “nice.” We must tell the truth bluntly and boldly as necessary to be heard. Wrong is wrong; lies are lies.

    People as vile as Delgado, Coulter and the Cheetoh-faced Ferret-wearing Shitgibbon Cocksplat must be repudiated directly and continuously every damn time. Bald-faced lies are not “other perspectives.”

    I’m saying these things because I believe we have been too nice, given the benefit of the doubt when there really wasn’t any.

    We must toughen up and FIGHT!

  11. What surprises me is that these hypocrites think Miller needed to resign after cheating on his wife, when Trump sets the standard for adultery, misogyny and morals so low you’d have to trip over them. His supporters didn’t care so what’s the biggie, Delgado? Miller fits right in and so, I surmise, do you.

  12. Steve The Returned says:

    I believe that photo of Ms. Delgado speaks volumes—none of it good.

  13. My of my, I am sorry that Delgado feels so ‘scorned’, especially on Christmas.
    Can’t wait for more of this juicy gossip to be revealed!

  14. Steve The Returned,
    I don’t think I’ve ever seen Ms D on TV, but on seeing that pic above: my first impression was of one of those nature film clips of a venomous pit viper being set up to sink it’s fangs into the plastic jar cover so the venom can be caught.
    You know, the handler has the snake held behind the head, squeezes, snake’s mouth snaps open revealing large fangs… Viola, Ms D, Coulter, Kellyann, etc., launch another verbal strike.

    (And I had an actual local viper strike at my leg not long ago, it missed as I jumped back, but scaaary chit, believe me. Just everyday life in rural Texas for y’all.)

  15. Next four years are gonna be long ones, but at least they promise to be very entertaining…

  16. Scott, only if you consider a parade of elephants having a massive diarrhea attack “entertaining” when you’re sitting in the front row. And I apologize to elephants, who are intelligent and much-persecuted animals who didn’t choose to the mascot of these jackwagons.

  17. Debbo–I’ve been referring to the electoral elected as “the orange one,” but I think I’ll adopt the standard form of your full appellation and just call him Cheeto Cocksplat. Okay with you?

  18. Debbo, to add to your ‘bald-faced lies are not “other perspectives”’… stupid is not a valid point of view.

    I totally agree that we have been far too nice far too long. It’s time to confront lies with the truth.

  19. RA, yuppers on that thought! Despite all the high dollar education thrown at CJ over his youth, this guy is still dumb enough to lick a steak knife! In a way, I don’t think we would’ve to work too darn hard to keep him in constant revelation of his true self to his once enamored supporters. Everything about him spells Achilles heel, or at least “heel”.

  20. Maggie, thanks for the laugh about the steak knife. 😀 Yes, continually go for his Achilles heel. Be relentless. Don’t ever let up. It’s the least we can do. And, it’s the least he (and his supporters) deserves.

  21. Umm, various less-reputable publications claim that Miller’s wife is expecting a child in January, and that Delgado is also expecting by Mr. Miller.

    No doubt Delgado’ll nip off to Scandinavia or Canada or some other socializt mecca and have a “miscarriage”, just like millions of other women should not be permitted to (if you’re an (R)).

  22. eyesoars says:
    “Umm…that Miller’s wife is expecting a child in January, and that Delgado is also expecting by Mr. Miller.”
    Bwahahaha– (could AJD be a “virgin birth”?)

    Sacrebleu trompette! Une ‘*menagerie à trois’, en effet!

    For us rusty on HS français. note spelling diff :
    *1. A ménage à trois (French for “household of three”) is a domestic arrangement in which three people (are) having romantic and/or sexual relations with each other…
    2. Whereas a ‘menagerie à trois’ is: ‘A menagerie is a collection of captive animals, frequently exotic, kept for display’, …(trois animaux, in this case…)

  23. @ Lunargent:
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I never thought of going to Chris’ FB page and complaining. I’m SO glad you covered for me.

    I just got so sick of his non-stop coverage of the Cheetoh -faced Ferret-wearing Shitgibbon Cocksplat that I quit watching his show for about the last 3 months of the campaign. Maybe if I’d taken to FB to tell him to cut it out, I might have made a difference?

    I do know that, before I left, I suddenly wasn’t seeing Delgado’s ugly mug or hearing her screech any more. You did good, Lunargent. Thank you.

    I’ll keep that option in mind for next time . . . .

  24. The thought of any of them reproducing –

    Zut!! Sacre Merde!!

  25. two crows –

    Yeah, I’ve stuck with MSNBC, tho the 24/7 Trump has been very wearing. I assume these decisions are made at the producer or even network level. I think it was a mistake to let it crowd out all other news, but it seems like that happened with all the media. And if I must be subjected to constant Trumpery, MSNBC is the source that I trust the most.

    But many of their guests from the right are pretty appalling. As the Liberal Station, they don’t get first pick. And the pickin’s are pretty bad to begin with.
