I Take Back Everything Awful I’ve Ever Said About Harry Reid
Oh Harry, this is brilliant.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has what he says is an informed explanation for why Mitt Romney refuses to release additional tax returns. According a Bain investor, Reid charged, Romney didn’t pay any taxes for 10 years.
Oh snap, now Romney has to release his tax return to prove Harry wrong.
So now Romney is trapped between the devil and … well, the other devil.
Saying he had “no problem with somebody being really, really wealthy,” Reid sat up in his chair a bit before stirring the pot further. A month or so ago, he said, a person who had invested with Bain Capital called his office.
“Harry, he didn’t pay any taxes for 10 years,” Reid recounted the person as saying.
“He didn’t pay taxes for 10 years! Now, do I know that that’s true? Well, I’m not certain,” said Reid. “But obviously he can’t release those tax returns. How would it look?
Hell’s bells are ringing, Mitt, so what ya gonna do? Reid’s not saying you’re a tax cheat but why else wouldn’t you release the returns? I mean, after all that la-te-da over Obama’s birth certificate?
I believe the ball’s in your court, Mr. Romney.