I Swore I Heard This

August 29, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I swear that I heard John Kasach, the Governor of Ohio, say in his speech last night that Mitt Romney will make America “shinier .”  Cool.  My favorite color.

And what did y’all think about Ann Romney’s speech? I liked the part where they struggled in college — living off stock options.

And I thought the whole thing would have been taken much more seriously if Chris Christie hadn’t spent his speech rolling out Christie’16!

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0 Comments to “I Swore I Heard This”

  1. I am not a sports fan so this political doo-doo is my Olympics.

    Isn’t having your wife as the princiapl speaker sort of like putting “Mom” as a recommendation on a jop application?

  2. Didn’t proof read.

    Principal speaker.

    Job application.

    Sorry, but my hands tremble when I think of all the potential BS out there in Tampa.

  3. Sam in Pearland says:

    White is a real shiny color.

  4. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    Obvious joke first:
    Ya gotta start early if ya gotta lot to roll out.

    It’s very telling that he appears to thinks he is gonna run in ’16. Does he think Mitney is gonna be a one trem president? Or, Does he think Mitney is not gonna be president?

    Things that make you go hummmm….

  5. Sherry Huiner says:

    Shiny isn’t a color. It’s a “Firefly” reference.

  6. Barbara in Bastrop says:

    At the end of Christy’s speech I swear I heard the crowd shouting “We want Christy in 2012” and “Mitt Who??”

  7. robert mcclellan says:

    They lived in a small basement apartment; its called married student housing, required at BYU unless you are over 21.

  8. I’m traveling this week. Iowa > Boston> Spain and I know they’ll be dissing the Government and touting corporations down in Miami. How can we remind the Republican delegates that their party thinks the TSA (no dearhs or injuries since 9/11) is bad but they think the corporate airline do a GREAT job?Hope you enjoyed your flight.

  9. Christie came off as expected – Bloviating BullyBoy of the CreamyCrisco “shiny” type.

  10. Believe me, I live in Ohio and all Kasich has done is make this state scarier, more racist and vote suppressing. No shiny here as far as he is concerned. I choose not to listen to Ann Romney as I envision her giving her old clothes to her housekeeping staff and telling them how and when to wear them. And Christie gives me hiccups–don’t know why, but he does. All told . . .these republicans shouldn’t be allowed out alone, forget about being anywhere near ANY power positions.

  11. In a nutshell:

    Ann – Trust me – vote for Mitt – he will love you.

    Christie – Forget love – how about some respect?

    There you have it. Mitt will tell us he loves us and do what’s best for us. What he won’t do is respect us and really do what is best.

  12. Don’t worry about Ann Romney’s used clothes. The LDS Church has a charity line, sort of like thrift stores for members. Their people don’t have to go on welfare the way the rest of us do– of course, they’re expected to be better church people in return. My ex-mother-in-law is a good Mormon– when she needs something, such as a car, a bathroom re-plumbed, and so on. Each time she gets baptized again, until the next time.

  13. Thanks for summarizing that circus for us! I don’t own a TV; wouldn’t have watched the performance even if I did.

    But I was a little uneasy that the Republicans think they need some kind of “mommy-goddess” to put the stamp of approval on their candidate. Is this the first time in American history that a candidate for POTUS hid behind his wife’s skirts? And when I saw a photo on the news page, “behold, she was clothed in scarlet . . . . “

  14. I don’t watch Republicans when I don’t have to…… or when there is a baseball game on the teevee. So, I haven’t watched any of their doings in Tampa. Even the baseball team left town, and came to Texas to play the Rangers.

    I did hear, on Pacifica this morning… (Amy Goodman is there,) and all these rules changes that sort of “do away” with delegates that are committed to Ron Paul…. are not going over too well with the rank and file grassroots voters from Maine to Texas, who really do all the Party heavy lifting, as opposed to the guys who only lift a pen to write a big check to Mitt Romney’s campaign, and want to party in Tampa.

    Was he really afraid that Paul had enough delegates to deny him the nomination? Good Grief, don’t they teach you how to count in Mormon school? Instead of the “unified” party they keep wanting folks to think they have…… they have pissed off a lot of folks….. who may (please God) just stay home in November.

  15. penelope roberts says:

    chris christie is taking his anger management classes at cordon bleu.

    what a blow hard.

  16. Sam in Kyle says:

    They weren’t shouting “mitt, mitt, mitt”, just something that rhymes with it.

  17. Listened/barely watched some of the speechifiers at the RNC last night … Rick Santorum pepetuating the lie about Obama waiving the work for welfare deal … Gov. Nikki Haley with her smirky smile lauding praises on Romney that never really stick … Ann Romney trying to make Mitt seem all warm and cuddley and by all outward appearances … he is neither!! I don’t know Mitt any better today then I did yesterday or the day before and it doesn’t really matter anyway because I’m an Obama Old Lady in Colorado … and, of course, Chris Christy … spouting off as usual! None of the speakers, except for Ann and Nikki, barely mentioned Romney and they were all there to promote him … but they all sounded like self-promoting a-wads which, of course, they are! At one point while Christy was pontificating about himself, the camera went to Ann & Mitt … Ann stood for some reason, Mitt sat and tried to get Ann to sit back down. And, when others were clapping … they just sat there looking mighty grim! It was a sad, sad spectacle.

    Tonight it’s Paul Ryan’s turn to … well, to do whatever it is he’ll do … spin more lies … try to paint some semblance of a pretty picture to which the GOP audience will ooooh and ahhhh over the possibilities of taking us back to the Dark Ages. By golly, root for the Cavemen of the 21st Century!

  18. Christie’s vision for America? Kiss up, kick down, shut up and sit down, the bullies are in charge. Might makes right, cheat if you have to, the rules only apply to the other guy. Winning is everything.

    I don’t think it was a Firefly reference. They too strongly resemble the Alliance. “Two by two, hands of blue” – who know they were talking about women’s health issues?

  19. Please do us proud at the dem convention, I cannot watch the rethugs because I don’t think my blood pressure can take it, I did see on the TV Condoleeza Rice saying how great Romney would be on foreign policy, of course she would know – who ignored the memo about 9/11.

    Bet they did not throw nuts at her.

  20. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Not to be mean but, Chris Christie better get that lap band done soon or he may not make it to 2016. Seriously, he probably has HBP, high cholesterol and diabetes already. Living on cheesesteaks, hoagies and pizza gave me a 340 cholesterol in my 30’s and I wasn’t even obese. God knows his temper & attytood isn’t helping. His VP pick will be more important than any Repub selection in years due to his general poor health and high pressure job. And I doubt he’d ever release his health records.

  21. Nearly every single one of ’em trotted out the grandness of their immigrant parents or grandparents. If having kinfolks who did not arrive on the Mayflower is tantamount to being a real American, can someone please tell me why President Obama’s foreign daddy makes him less American? Hmmm? Oh…wrong continent, wrong color. I get it.

    And if there’s a more phony laugh than Ann Romney’s, it belongs to a telemarketer. How many times did she tell us “Mitt makes me laugh”? Between his robot-like demeanor and her Stepford fake sweetness, it’s enough to make me believe all that zombie scare stuff the kids talk about.

  22. Bo Leeyeau says:

    Oh please, run Chubby!
    Hillary Clinton will clean your clock in a debate where both sides get to have a microphone.

  23. gabberflasted says:

    At one time I had a neighbor lady who when walking, looked as though she had a dime in her butt crack and was fearfulof it falling out. I compared Mitt’s walk to that until I heard Bill Maher say that he looked like he haad a lump of coal up where the sun don’t shine and was trying to turn it into a diamond.
    He, to me has a very prissy walk and is afraid to let his butt jiggle.
    I have no comment on the Tampa thingy. I’ll not watch any of this contrived tripe.

  24. I saw some of the interview with the Romneys – the part that was supposed to humanize them. Ann Romney told 2 stories about her miscarriage. The first was when she began to miscarry in the wee hours. She didn’t wake Willard or ask him to get her to the hospital until his normal time to get up. The second part was that afternoon when one son came home from school and collapsed in grief on the kitchen floor.

    Willard sat through all of this without any reaction at all. His face was turned in the right direction, but he didn’t have any of the little reactions that you have when you’re involved in what someone is saying. No sympathetic narrowing of the eyes, no change of eye direction – just a little half smile. He looked like he was waiting for something. His turn, I suspect.

    The interviewer said (about the son’s grief) “It looks like this is the first time you’ve heard this” . Willard smiled at his wife and said that it was.

    It isn’t just the lack of reaction. What normal married or family relationship works like this ‘heartwarming’ story? She didn’t wake him til his normal time to get up? Nobody thought he’d want to know about his son’s distress? He never asked?

    That’s not a family. They just live in the same houses.

  25. I didn’t watch any of it. I had to listen to the Nats lose their FIFTH game in a row.

    The speech I’m really, really looking forward to is Michelle Obama’s. Oughta be a stem-winder!

  26. @Gabberflasted … I so agree with you about how Mitt walks … my thought has always been that he has a corncob up his butt … however, I like your description a lot better!

    @Judith … I didn’t see that particular interview and find it difficult to believe Ann and the son could have gone through such a thing and ole Mitt didn’t have a clue!!!

    But, wait … Mitt doesn’t have a clue … not about anything!

  27. Elise Von Holden says:

    Sherry–I basically agree that shiny is a ” Firefly” reference, I’m just not sure Mittens is a J Whedon fan–not aware enough, and if it was used as a reminder that we females get distracted by shiny things, I am offended once again by these bozos. They are not cool, and can’t be, no matter who you think you are your butt cheeks do not produce diamonds, and these guys are so covetous of the prize, they are missing their lives.
    I take an actually “cool” president as Barack Obama has shown himself to be over the frat boy bullying and demanding that you acknowledge they are “cool” ( the repugs across the board)any day
