I Spend One Stinkin’ Afternoon and Evening Away From the Computer and Just Look What Y’all Let Happen

December 08, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I was busy yesterday.  I know this is difficult for you to believe, but I get invited to fancy parties and stuff.  It takes me an hour to fix my hair and another hour to convince myself that I should behave at the party.  That means I have things to do.  Lotsa things to do.

So, I get home late last night to discover that (1) Rick Perry has demanded that all gay people and suspected gay people and people who might know a gay person and people who ever entertained the thought of a speaking to a gay person and all employees of the Happy Harlot Holding Company and anybody who has ever had a gay old time and people who have donned gay apparel and Zorro  have to register with the Rick Perry for President Committee where you will receive printed googled directions to Satan’s Hideaway, and (2) Newt Gingrich is having a gay affair with John Bolton.  Or something.

I dunno.  Maybe I had too much wine last night but that’s how it sounded to me.

So Rick Perry threw a Hail Mary pass, which in this case might be considered a Hell Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus Pass because what he said has nothing even remotely to do with the Prince of Peace.  To paraphrase in my words, “You don’t need to be in the pew every Sunday to know there’s something wrong in this country when Rick Perry speaks for people of faith.”

It is amazing what our boy will do to get attention.  The problem isn’t our assault on religion, Honey, the problem is religion’s assault on us.

And then there’s Newt Gingrich openly flaunting the law by promising a cabinet post prior to an election.  But Gingrich violating ethics laws is expected and ain’t the news.  The news is that he’s promising to one of the Friendly Folks Who Brought You The Iraq War, John Bolton.

Yes, that creepy John Bolton.  Who wanted to nuke Iran.  Just for the helluvit.  Just because it made a big boom noise and that’s pretty cool.

Kinda makes you wonder what Newt is promising Dick Cheeny and Paul Wolfowitz.  Oops, sorry about ruining your holidays with that thought.

Thanks to Sandy for the heads-up on Newt.

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