I Speak Texan. That’s a Lot Like English.

September 30, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So a fancy pants professor at Texas A&M University wrote an editorial in the Houston Comical this morning.  He was trying to say that Rick Perry was not doing well on the national stage because Rick speaks Texan and the rest of the country doesn’t.

That’s pure unadulterated Caca de Toro.

Rick Perry is not doing well on the national stage because he’s an undereducated idiot.

Professor John R. Hanson II can kiss my butt.  I am a fifth generation Texan, totally educated in Texas public schools and universities, and I’ll take on all comers with Shakespeare or Aristophanes.  I know the poetry of Dante and Willie Nelson.   We are not some hick outpost.  Nor have we developed some kind of language that only twins understand.

And then the professor tries this little ditty —

It is therefore not surprising that our leading politicians today have a handicap performing on the national stage. Nor did previous political leaders from Texas, such as Lyndon Johnson, Lloyd Bentsen, John Connally or Sam Rayburn have reputations as grand orators.

First off, Lyndon Johnson and Sam Rayburn performed pretty darn well when it came to wielding power.

But, more importantly, did Hanson not hear Barbara Jordan?  Ann Richards?  Bill Moyers?  Charlie Wilson?  Henry Cisneros?   Senfronia Thompson?  And I know you Texans out there can help me with other names I’m forgetting in my desire to drive to College Station today and get all up in Professor Hanson’s face.

Hell, Cicero probably came from Texas.

Thanks to Bubba for the heads-up this morning when he spit coffee all over his newspaper while reading that it’s Texas’ fault that Rick Perry can’t communicate with adults.

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