I See Black People

July 16, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


What do you need to a scare a bunch of uneducated, fear based white people?

Uh, Whoopie Goldberg?

So, when Michelle Bachman wants to raise money, she uses the image of two black people.

Now, I could be wrong about this because I’ve been wrong before, but I’m pretty much certain that Whoopie Goldberg is not the only person who talks trash about Michelle Bachmann.   I’m sure you could find at least a dozen other people who have their bloomers in a knot about Michelle Bachmann.  Take Karl Rove for example.  He’s said far worse things about Michelle Bachman than Whoopie has.  But you do not see Michelle Bachmann sending out emails that say, “Let’s show Karl Rove!”

Black people.  Scary.  Black people with power?  Honey, that’s seat squirming scary.

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