I Post Mug Shots. Here’s What They Do.
I think most of you know that my friend Judge Susan Criss is running for state representative.
She’s gonna win and I am thrilled about that because she’s meaner than ten acres of snakes and one of the funniest people I know.
That, of course, does not fit in the Republican mode. So they have Young Republicans standing outside the polls with this little greeting to voters.
Yes, we’re playing darts with the evil faces of Barack Obama, Wendy Davis, and Susan Criss. Hey, at least Susan is in some high cotton.
I know young people are kinda nuts and do nutty things but the Galveston County Republican Party chairman has seen this and doesn’t mind.
Okay, it’s gross on many levels. For me, however, the most worst part is that it’s mean instead of cute. If they had “Pin the Tail on the Democratic Donkey,” that would have been funny. Instead, they go straight for the bloodshed.
I do not like these people.