I Pay More Taxes Than General Electric and Exxon Mobile Combined.

March 28, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


As you’ve heard before, two of Juanita’s best customers moved from Texas to Vermont.  Juanita sends Al and Carol reports of great weather all winter long.  In return, they send her pictures of Bernie Sanders, a Great American. That’s not a fair fight.

Bernie Sanders has just released a list that was sent to me by Carl (who lives in Michigan and thinks the beauty salon should be international) of corporations that pay diddle squat in taxes.

BURLINGTON, Vt., March 27 – While hard working Americans fill out their income tax returns this tax season, General Electric and other giant profitable corporations are avoiding U.S. taxes altogether.

With Congress returning to Capitol Hill on Monday to debate steep spending cuts, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said the wealthiest Americans and most profitable corporations must do their share to help bring down our record-breaking deficit.

Sanders renewed his call for shared sacrifice after it was reported that General Electric and other major corporations paid no U.S. taxes after posting huge profits.

Thelma is irate.  “Here I am so poor that I have a pinecone for a pet, and Citigroup made $4 billion in profit but paid no taxes.  That makes me want to have a fit and fall in it.”

We agree.

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