I Need Your Prayers. Windows 8 is Coming.
I have a 4 and a half year old laptop. It’s been a great laptop. It’s been toted all over the country and into more meetings than any person should have to endure. It gets pounded on, eaten over, coffee spilled, and had a squirrel attack it. Seriously. A squirrel. Most of the keys have fallen off and you have to hit the space bar with a hammer to get spaces between words.
Santa brought me a new computer. It’s still in the box because it’s Windows 8. Windows 8 scares the bejeebers outta me. We have 154 kinds of snakes in Texas and 152 of them are poisonous. I’d rather dance with the snakes than fiddle with Windows 8.
Now, I know that I can live a perfectly happy life with my iPhone and iPad and that I really don’t need a laptop. Look, I have tried. I have really tried to write without a real keyboard. I cannot do it. Some wacky people pay me money to type words for them so I need a keyboard. Mainly because I need money. Money to buy laptops.
I have successfully downloaded everything I want off this computer and later I’ll wipe it clean and donate it for Democrats to use for phone banking. That’s kinda like putting it out to stud.
I will spend this weekend trying to get my new computer working. I will also keep this computer running just in case I have problems with email, which I always do.
If you open the window and hear cussin’, it’s me.