I Need Your Honest Opinion

October 31, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, help me with this.

Rick Miller, the recently resigned chairman of the Fort Bend County Republican Party and general thug, is trying to stand on the backs of veterans to kick off his campaign for State Representative.

He came up with this deal.  Now, I need you to go look at that in person, but I put a part of it here.

Was this mean to make it look like Texas Ag Commish Todd Staples and Gen. Jerry Boykin are Medal of Honor winners?

Is that the way you read it, or is it just me?

Because Todd Staples was never in the military and Gen. Boykin didn’t win the Medal of Honor.

I think it is disgusting to use veterans to kick off your campaign for public office.  I sure hope Rick Miller doesn’t get him one of them “Mission Accomplished” signs and parachute into this event.  More important, I hope he doesn’t get a bunch of his thug to hit old ladies again.

Anyway, if it’s just me don’t be afraid to say so.  Maybe I’m overreacting.

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