I Need a Favor from Texans

November 09, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


I need a small favor from you.  It won’t cost you a dime and it only takes a couple of minutes.

The Texas Democratic Party is trying to put some non-binding referenda on the primary ballot.  We have to get 50,000 signatures before December 9th, at 5:00 pm in order to do it.

There are 19 of them.  You can vote for one or all of them.

Please give a couple of minutes and go sign the referendum you like.

I thank you.  The owners, staff, and customers of the World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon thank you.  The Texas Democratic Party thanks you.  All because you’re a honey!

If you’re from a foreign state, please ask a Texan to do it for you.

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0 Comments to “I Need a Favor from Texans”

  1. Jan Kimmons says:


  2. Betty @ Georgetown says:

    I agree with all these referenda. It seems so obvious that they’re beneficial to us ordinary citizens. Please sign!

  3. Voted!!

  4. Done.

    Wendy Davis should have a good issue to push, on the Medicaid Expansion. Why would Texas deny health care to people?

  5. Lorraine in Spring says:


    A human platform trumps a corporate platform.

  6. Done!

  7. Voted for all of them. Just seems like a common sense agenda to me.

  8. Checked all the boxes.

  9. I voted for all of them, too.

    And I agree with Miemaw: Wendy should advocate Medicaid expansion, emphasizing that not doing it is costing Texans a lot of money as well as hurting people who need help and can’t afford it.

  10. 2HelenaHandbasket says:

    Me, too … Done!!

  11. Another Ellen in Texas says:

    Done – voted for every one.

  12. Done

  13. done and Wendy made it official today.

  14. That was easy!

  15. That was an easy test. They’re all correct! The only referendum I would like to see added is the requirement that all employers must carry workers’ compensation insurance.

  16. Signed, sent, and passed on to like-minded friends. Thanks for making it possible.

  17. Well, at least I didn’t need a photo ID to vote for ALL said referendums! Thanks, JJ & Co., for keeping me informed. 😉

  18. Nani guerra says:

    Thanks for giving me the opportunity to vote on all these referendums. Will pass this along.

  19. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Okay. I’ve joined the done list. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

    Wendy Davis filed today in Austin. I’m really disappointed I had a prior appointment and couldn’t go, but I did host a Battleground TX Meeting today for SW Austin. I made some good connections to strengthen SW Austin’s representation in the Austin Neighborhoods Council.

  20. Marge Wood says:

    Y’all from Austin, Marion (formerly known as MM) is doing important work for Austin. Proud of you, Marion.
    re: referendum, I just realized I did it too late, boohoo. Hope they got enough names. And I would add ones about water conservation, renewable energy, that sort of thing. But it was a good list.

  21. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Marge, you’re not too late. The deadline is December 9th.

    And thanks for the shout out.

  22. I’m in Maryland and don’t know any Texans to ask except all y’all, but I hope they all pass!

  23. Done on a Texas Saturday night.

  24. TexasEllen says:

    Done, voted for all of them and signed up for Tx Dems 18 month sustaining thru ActBlue. Checked up on our Louie Minor who has gotten 80 ActBlue donations so far. Texas deserves a competent and sane Louie in the House.

  25. I voted for all referenda, all of which sounded like common sense Democratic goals.

  26. Done, all 19 seemed pretty common sense to me. Didn’t see the ballot for legalization of marijuana but perhaps one mountain of outrage to climb at a time.

  27. Voted on all, although a couple of them seemed more federal than state issues. The most important is redistricting so that every Texan has the opportunity to be heard.

  28. This makes me very happy.

  29. Done!


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