I Made A Meme

September 23, 2022 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

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0 Comments to “I Made A Meme”

  1. PFG! But the boat should be surfing the crest of a big blue wave..

  2. One of things I used say in here a helluva lot is my belief that the right has been so effective for decades largely due to the seemingly unlimited resources spent on think tank research to control the narrative.
    And how we were, IMHO, so massively “outgunned” in that respect.
    Maybe it’s just me, but this looks promising as hell.


    It may not look like the kind of thing I’ve always hoped somebody would come up with.
    But whatever the hell’s being done isn’t nearly effective enough IMHO.
    And like the general said in War Games, Damnit I’d piss on a spark plug if I thought it’d do any good.
    Sandridge, if you read the story, see if the bunny reference reminds you of anything we’ve talked about.

  3. +1

  4. Opinionated Hussy says:

    The ultimate finding of the research to which P.P. #3 refers – most voters do not believe they can trust Republicans with power.

    This campaign needs a Zombie Apocalypse ad….even GOP voters know that in a Z.A. the Republican leaders would simply leave most people behind and save themselves.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    There’s plenty of ammunition for democratic candidates to go after, especially those supporting abortion bans, anti voting rights, the Jan 6 insurrection and the big lie (not to mention QAnon support). Need the messaging to be strong, consistent and relentless. That should be enough to float our boat to the polls.

  6. john in denver says:

    Problem is … so many of the Republicans would not be in danger, as the Zombies are after “Brains.”

  7. P. P. @3, Right on target, thanks for pointing it out, I don’t normally read ‘Politico’.
    I’ve been raving about mushy feckless [note- misspelled] Dems for decades; it’s way past time to chamber the 00 buckshot and come out with guns blazing, turn the friggin Rethugs into hamburger… [if you’ve ever seen buckshot used ykwim].
    We’re finally seeing highly effective [imo] negative dagger ads by ‘shadowy’ sponsors like ‘Coulda Been Worse LLC’, going after Abbutt and the Rethugs.
    And the Rethuglikans are –squealing– about them, so they must be working!

    From your Politico link, which does seem to be pretty effing accurate [below], about time somebody on our side is finally delving into the actual psyche of the average voters and smacking them upside the head with some hardhitting ads.

    ” Indeed, a common image that emerged of Democrats was that of a cuddly bunny (Republicans were described as sinister clowns).

    “We’re cute. We’re cuddly but ultimately, we’re ineffectual,” Mushovic said. “You just don’t bring a bunny to a gunfight.” ”


  8. When video clips of Doug Mastriano spewing his bile, saying that “My body, my choice” is ridiculous nonsense, air over and over, I want to scream. I’d love to see him having a miscarriage, bleeding, near death and losing consciousness. Any women who has experienced an abortion (medical term: spontaneous abortion) thanks God for the life-saving termination of the pregnancy and lives to have another child.

  9. correction: Any woman who has experienced a miscarriage,
    medically called a spontaneous abortion.
