I Love Yew, Texas

June 15, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Texas Congressvarmint Pistol Pete Sessions (we call him that because he’s always shooting off his mouth) has found himself in the position of being unable to keep all them minority-type folks in the proper categories.

Pistol Pete says that Pulse cannot possible be a gay nightclub because ….


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Oh my.  We could not possibly grieve gays, but Latinos, well, they are mostly okay – except, of course, those from Mexico.  Plus, Latinos can’t be gay.  And gays can’t be Latinos, right?  Can black people be gay?  Pete hasn’t figured that out.

Pete’s spokesperson (clean up person) said he was misunderstood.

“What my boss meant to say was that there weren’t only gay individuals at the club but people from all walks of life were present,” Boothe said.

Oh hell, he didn’t mean to say that and you know it.  He meant what he said because he’s a an old white guy who hasn’t been to a dance club since Sonny and Cher broke up.

Y’all, Pete is goofy.  And there’s just too many minorities for him to keep up with them.

Thanks to Dominic for the heads up.

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