I Love Yew, Texas

July 01, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Everybody has pretty much come to the realization that by turning down federal funds, we here in Texas getting more federal intervention.

About a quarter of the population is Texas is uninsured.  Governor Perry has announced that he don’t give a big bear’s butt what the Supreme Court and Congress says, he’s gonna do a Robert E Lee and claim states rights.  We have a goldarn right to die uninsured in Texas and roll up enormous hospital bills that people with insurance have to pay when they go to the hospital, by gawd.

So, it’s about as likely as a snowstorm in Brownsville that Texas can set up a health insurance exchange by the 2014 deadline, forcing the federal government to design and manage it until the Lone Star State steps up.

But there’s good news associated with that.

If Washington puts together Texas’ exchange, it will almost certainly be “more progressive and liberal,” said Mark Jones, head of the political science department at Rice University in Houston.

But, Rick Perry doesn’t give a rock with the N-word on it at his hunting camp about no damn ObamaCare.

In a statement Friday, Perry’s office said that Texas “has no interest in accelerating the implementation of Obama-care in Texas and will continue to call for the full repeal of this bankrupting and overreaching bill.”

Yeah, because it’s much more fun to bankrupt Texans one family at a time with enormous health care bills.

Now, if you’re from a foreign state you’re probably wondering why Rick Perry would rather have liberal Washington come run Texas’  health care program instead of doing it himself in a more conservative fashion.  There’s a good reason for that.

“We’re very conservative, and we’re very stubborn,” said Bill Miller, a lobbyist in Austin for HillCo who has represented both Republicans and Democrats. He described the Texas mind-set this way: “We’re not going to be smart. We’re going to be pure. It’s a point of pride, and if there’s something else we’re proud of, it’s our pride.”

Yep.  Bill Miller said it.  What Texans lack in intelligence, they more than make up for in rockwall stubborn and inane sanctimony.

And this guy gets paid money by politicians to come up with this stuff.  Good Lord, I’m free and I have this advice for politicians:  Try real hard not to do dumb stuff.

Thanks to Kate for the heads-up.

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