I Love Yew, Texas

May 26, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Texas Legislature only meets every other year for 140 days. That’s all we can stand. This session ends May 31st and they haven’t even started with redistricting. One member of the Lege describes today —



Best I can figure, that’s also pretty much every day.

The Lt. Gov, where all the real power in Texas government is vested, is already calling for a special session to begin in June.  Here’s his agenda.

The bills sought to ban transgender students from playing on sports teams based on their gender identity, prohibit local governments from using taxpayer funds to pay for lobbyists and punish social media companies for “censoring” Texans based on their political viewpoints.

Because, you know, those are major issues to the life and liberty of all Texans.  Plus, we ain’t got any other problems because they already passed that you don’t have to have a permit, background check, or training to carry a gun and made it super hard to vote. So, Texas is practically heaven except for those transgender people and that Republicans can’t recruit for their next insurrection on Twitter.

And under the category of Quit Forking Around, we have Comfort High School (just north of San Antonio) where half the senior class was suspended, including the valedictorian and salutatorian.



They stuck plastic forks in the football field. No property was destroyed. They put balloons all over the floor of one classroom and tilted a mounted animal head.

I saying they were tourists.

If they suspended kids for doing stuff like that when I was in high school, I’d still be in high school.


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0 Comments to “I Love Yew, Texas”

  1. BarbinDC says:

    I’m interested in what’s been left out of this story. The overreaction seems to be completely bonkers.

  2. I wish they’d reacted to the insurrection on Jan. 6 as strongly as they did to this.

  3. Someone shot & killed a deer, stuffed its head & hung it on a wall. That’s all fine & proper.

    But tilt it at a slight angle – – suspended!

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    Comfort should have done like the Government with the abortion bill. The Government doesn’t have to enforce it because they’ve given anyone and their dog the right to sue the woman, the doctor, or anyone else who’s even heard the word abortion. What has happened to Texas? And can we recover?

  5. Shocked, I’m shocked I tell you. Balloons? Forks? Tilted deer heads? A for sale sign? What are this Texas kids thinking? They will come to a bad end, that’s for sure.

  6. …these Texas kids…

    I hate it when I don’t proofread first.

  7. RepubAnon says:

    As football is a religion in Texas, desecration of a football field smacks of heresy.

  8. And Texas doesn’t have a monopoly on stupid. When I was a high school senior, all of the girls decided to come to school the last day in kilts. For the most part they showed our knees. The scandalized principal sent us all home to change. (My grandmother, who made the kilt for me, was furious.). Instead we went to the girl’s house where we were building our homecoming float and finished it, then quickly changed and went back to school for last period so we couldn’t be accused of skipping school.

  9. Nick Carraway says:

    According to tale, there was a private school that gave each graduating senior a parting swat as they graduated. The rationale is that you probably did something they didn’t catch you doing. That seems about right.

    Just today (the very last day of school) I walked into the boy’s bathroom just as two were finishing a fight. There was blood all over the floor because one of them apparently had his earrings ripped out. They sat there calmly and awaited their punishment. Just seems like such a waste on the last day of school.

  10. BarbinDC says:

    RE: The Lege

    Don’t they usually stick the really heinous stuff in at the last minute–before anybody realizes what’s just happened?

  11. The Surly Professor says:

    BarbinDC: In the days of yore when I grew hair on the top of my head and not in my ears, the last day of a Texas state legislature was like a rapid-fire cattle auction. The speaker would call out the bill numbers, ask for a voice vote, then BANG the hammer and go on to the next. I remember some bills that were brought up and passed in less than 15 seconds.

    But that was before they had to deal with deep and important issues like who got to use which restroom.

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    You mean human beings that are transgender can still vote in texass for now?

  13. john in denver says:

    The senior pranks seem fairly tame and ought to be “punished” by “go clean it up.”

    Long ago and outside the city of Comfort and the state of Texas, pranks included picking up an administrator’s sports car and putting it inside the building, around the corner from his office. A VW in the teacher’s lot was picked up and carried into a square of parking blocks. a water hose with a high pressure cap was run to a statue of the mascot, run up a leg to the groin area, and turned on about an hour before school started. The result was a stream that went OVER a building into a parking lot as students began to arrive. One vice principal had his office filled with balloons. And there was a series of pranks in teachers’ lounges & offices around the school, changing the contents of various sugar bowls, powdered creamer dispenses, salt shakers, black pepper shakers, and sack of jelly beans.

    In those pre-security camera days, there was a little more room for modest irritations.

  14. UmptyDump says:

    Comfort High School graduation is Friday night (May 28) on the football field. Bet everybody has a forking good time.

  15. Late to this “party”. Those school administrators way over-reacted. My hubby and some of his friends broke into the high school auto shop, moved the car to the senior lawn, and removed the wheels. No punishment by the school but most of the boys were grounded by their parents. The mom of one of the boys had an interesting reaction: her kid was so straight-laced that she was overjoyed that he was “normal”.
