I Love Yew, Texas

October 07, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Denton County, Texas, is stuck half way between Dallas and the Oklahoma state line.  It is home to the fifth largest university in Texas and Trump Republicans on massive steroids and pills that make you talk all the damn time..

The Republican County Chair resigned “due to health reasons,” after she tweeted this a week after Charlottesville.


Hendrickson later shared an article that claimed the protests and counter protests in Charlottesville were a “false flag” operation orchestrated by former President Barack Obama to cause chaos.

Bless Lisa’s heart, all she wanted to do is kill her some liberals and blame Obama for it, but then everybody got all upset about that and it finally gave Lisa a splitting headache. Damn liberals.

So, the vacuum of crazybutt leadership reeled in some spectacular catches.

At least three more members of the Denton County GOP’s leadership team, including State Representative Patrick Fallon, have claimed, or shared material that claimed, Charlottesvile was a hoax or that it was orchestrated by liberals.

Meet —

Mark Roy (Denton County GOP Vice Chair of Veterans Affairs/Texas State House Candidate HD-64)

Roy, a retired Marine, recently announced he will challenge incumbent State Rep. Lynn Stucky in the Republican primary for Stucky’s seat in Texas House District 64. Roy has written on Facebook that Charlottesville was staged, Arizona Senator John McCain is a traitor to the country, and that the Food and Drug Administration is putting sex hormones into canned foods in an attempt to turn Americans gay.

And damn my luck, I just bought an electric can opener.  And here’s the scary part: the incumbent state rep ain’t exactly endorsed by MENSA or the American Mental Health Foundation.

And there’s Connie Hudson who believes that the New World Order, paid protestors, selected psychopaths, and God only know what else are all attempting to sour the mood of Americans and if there’s on thing Republicans really hate, it’s sour moods.

Connie also believes that Charlottesville was a hoax And she probably thinks it was done just to give her a case of sour damn mood.

Thanks to Matthew Reyna over at Rantt for putting all this together.


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