February 07, 2018
By: Juanita Jean Herownself
Category: Uncategorized
This is just an idea I had. Okay, so it’s not fleshed out fully, but it’s just an idea.
You know how Trump is demanding a military parade so he can prove to French President Macron that his twinkle isn’t as small as it appears to be?
The cost of shipping equipment and hardware to DeeCee could run in the millions and military officials have no idea how the hell to pay for it. The weight of the tanks and missile launchers will destroy Pennsylvania Avenue which wasn’t built to handle their weight. We the taxpayers will be the ones footing the bill for this parade to commemorate his royal ego.
To recap: the coward who received five draft deferments to avoid service in Vietnam, mocked a P.O.W. as a “loser” for being captured, trashed talked the parents and the wife of soldiers kill in action, and lied about donating to veterans organizations wants the women and men of the Armed Forces to stage a costly, pointless parade at our expense.
Here’s my idea. Let’s make it safe and festive.
Let’s make large balloons depicting our military hardware and our Dear Leader. It’s fitting. He is, after all, a hot air buffoon.

Hey, Mexico will pay for it – they already have Dear Leader ready to go.
Thanks to Deb for the heads up.