I Look At All The Lonely People

September 17, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


My State Rep and Me. I'm the good lookin' one.

It’s kinda cool to be a rock star.  I got my picture in the big city newspaper and became an overnight success with my friends and family. I was at a birthday party last night for my State Representative and I think I got more high fives than he did.  Which is not all that abnormal because I’m a lot smarter and better looking than he is.

And then there’s the other guys.  The guys who write hate mail.  Now, I don’t mind hate mail.  I’ve always been proud of the fact that I was willing to stand up, use my name, and speak my mind.  Those who send hate mail always send it anonymously.  You know, like the KKK.

It started before noon on the day my picture was published with the quote, “The Democrats meetings look like the United Nations.  Republicans have diversity.  They have the tall white guy, the short white guy, the fat white guy ….”

Boy Howdy Do, that set off the wackos something fierce.  Quicker than I could skedaddle to my computer comes this one – unsigned.

It says, “I’m surprised that someone as fat, dumpy and stupid looking as you would pose for any newspaper.”

Okay.  The email address is wgeins@aol.com, which it doesn’t take Nancy Drew to figure out comes back to one William G. Eubank, a 62 year old insurance broker who lives near 1960 and Jones Road in Houston.  He votes, of course, straight Republican.  I looked up his voting history.  He voted for George Bush – twice.  Bless his heart.

I emailed him back with the info I found and he said that wasn’t him, giving instead the name of a 52 year old black man, without that email address, who votes Democratic.   As Bubba said, “Baby, you gotta expect that.  If they were smart, they wouldn’t be Republicans.”

It’s gonna take a helluva lot more than a 62 year old insurance broker to insult me, Honey.

So, yesterday’s snail mail brought this sucker.

Some person went to all the trouble to find my home address, cut out my picture, write “very foolish” on it with an arrow pointing at me, then printing out a letter so I wouldn’t trace the handwriting, and then putting a stamp on it and toting it to the post office.

That’s nuts.

I’m really not worth all that effort.  I would never, ever be insulted by cowards and you can’t scare me.  But, if it keeps them from kicking their dog and telling at little kids running across their lawn, I can take it.

I think it’s funny.

So, do your best to get in the newspaper and say something sassy to make their day miserable.  It keeps them busy so they don’t have time to throw a stopper in the cogs of progress.

Have a great weekend!

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