I Know It’s Good Friday and All and I Don’t Mean To Creep You Out, But My Goodness …
I just have to let y’all know that there was a march of “Moms Demand Action” for gun safety in Indianapolis, Indiana, yesterday and armed men showed up to intimidate mothers.
Because, you know, mothers are so dangerous.
Hell, I raised three boys. You cannot scare me. You can, however, make me giggle.
I don’t think these guys checked the mirror before they left home.
This picture either says, “I’m intent on shooting someone in the foot.”
“Lookie here, Dr. Freud.”
Bless his heart.
His weenis is so small that he’s not even afraid of being able to hit it with an assault rifle. That is very sad.
No, really, it’s sad.
Okay, I admit it. It is funny.
Wanna talk about the big clips that can shoot off lotsa rounds or should I just leave that metaphor alone?