August 15, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m on my way home.  Will post soon.  Posting from my phone while gleeful is difficult.

UPDATED:  Yesterday I was in Costco shopping for a political reception happening this afternoon – wine, cheese, burritos, – when I got a call from a trusted and highly reliable source who told me that the news was fixing to break.  Had I been at home, you would have been the first to know.  However, I was in the middle of damn Costco and still didn’t have any burritos in my basket.  Screw burritos, I’m buying some extra wine and hitting the check out.

I can post from my phone but it’s a pain in the patootie and I generally screw everything up.  The check out line was a mile and half long, of freekin’ course.  Meanwhile, after about 10 minutes, my phone starts sounding like a bad handbell choir.  My favorite text came from a friend in Austin who said, “Actually, he was indicted on three counts but they can’t remember the third.”

Bubba drives home.  I post this.  And I giggle.

I’m completely serious.  The night before the punishment phase of the trial, meet me in the downstairs ballroom of Stubb’s barbeque for food and fun.  After the verdict, we go to Matt’s El Rancho for Margaritas and Bob Armstrong dip.  It’s a Texas Republican crook tradition.


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0 Comments to “I Know. I Know. UPDATED WITH TRIVIA”

  1. Let ‘er rip, ma’am.

  2. Well, now, the chickens have come home to roost. Not looking very presidential now.

  3. Mary in Austin says:

    I’ll open Champagne if he is convicted.

  4. W. C. Peterson says:

    I’m really sorry Molly Ivins had to miss this day. She would have been pickled tink. I know I am. The arc of the Universe is long, but it curves towards Justice. Can’t wait to watch Rachel tonight.

  5. As soon as this story appeared in one of my breaking news announcements, I just had to check out the reaction of the WMDBS. Should be even better tomorrow.

  6. If money laundering is speech, abuse of power is politics. The rot runs deep into the judiciary. Grand juries are for nobodies. Cackle while you can because this will not stand.

  7. I am salivating. Waiting for more…and yep, really wish Molly were here for this too. Juanita Jean and Molly having a ball with this!

  8. Yes, I know its only an indictment, but its the first golden step! So,
    gimme a K
    gimme an A
    gimme an R
    gimme an M
    gimme an A


  9. Edward Starsmith says:

    I hope you weren’t driving when you posted that.

    We need you.

  10. @Brian E. Thanks for the TX observer article. I’m so frustrated right now watching MSNBC. They (esp Kornacki) keep pooh-poohing this “what’s the big deal?” I don’t understand why they don’t get it. He doesn’t have control over county governments and officials. The Gov’s office gets to weigh in on who serves in a lot of different offices, but he/she doesn’t get to dictate who serves in county or city offices. If this is ok, then what is to stop another gov from withholding money from Dallas because they don’t like something the mayor did or Houston, etc. They can’t get past the fact that she was drunk. But there is a legal process, which was followed, for punishing her for that. There was even a court decision on whether she should continue to serve, which said she had the right to continue to serve. I wish Molly were around, too. She could provide us with a list of prominent TX drunks. (I’m not endorsing the idea of TX politicians serving drunk, I’m just saying a LOT have.) The only one I can think of is the late Bob Bullock, who eventually went to rehab, but was a well-known mean drunk who served TX long and honorably. People are complicated. Their personal lives and their job performance do not always meet the same level of agreeableness. Nobody is suggesting we take Mr. Bullock’s name off of the museum. Of course, most of the well-known and tolerated drunks were men, and I do think there is an element of sexism in how people have gone after her.

  11. Marge Wood says:

    Headline on Austin American Statesman:
    Isn’t that cute.

  12. Marge Wood says:

    Always good to plan ahead. If you pray for rain, carry an umbrella. Practicing dancing around the house, waiting for the party.

  13. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    JJ – remind us of the meeting places for the court days when we know what the dates are. Stubb’s and Matt’s El Rancho.

  14. If there is really a trial, and if it promises to be good, I am so in Austin!
