I Knew We Could Count On Alfredo Over At The Dairy Queen

May 08, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know you’ve noticed by now that Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen is a man with a lot of insider contacts.  But, then again, anybody with a Dairy Queen franchize makes lots of contacts.

Here’s his take on the Jerry Falwell “incident.”

You’re gonna love this.


The Reverend, His Wife, The Pool Boy and a Presidential
Endorsement Obtained by Blackmail?

It seems pretty clear who had the compromising photographs of the Reverend Jerry Falwell, Jr. and his wife.

The Falwells told Cohen that someone had obtained photographs that were embarrassing to them, and was demanding money, the source said. Reuters was unable to determine who made the demand. The source said Cohen flew to Florida and soon met with an attorney for the person with the photographs. Cohen spoke with the attorney, telling the lawyer that his client was committing a crime, and that law enforcement authorities would be called if the demands didn’t stop, the source said.

The matter was soon resolved, the source said, and the lawyer told Cohen that all of the photographs were destroyed.

Gee, who do the Falwells know in Florida? Oh yeah, Giancarlo Granda, a 21-year-old pool attendant at the Fontainebleau Hotel that the Reverend and Mrs. Falwell “befriended” during a Miami vacation – and then loaned $1.8 million to buy a South Beach youth hostel. Oh yeah.

The case raises more questions than answers: Falwell Jr. and his wife appear to have simply “befriended” a then-21-year-old pool attendant while the husband and wife were staying at the ritzy Fontainebleau. They then welcomed the pool attendant into their lives, began flying him around on a private jet, and even put up millions of dollars to help his business ventures. Falwell and his wife have appeared in Facebook photos eating at Macchialina with the pool attendant — a Florida International University graduate named Giancarlo Granda, who now lives in Washington, D.C., and attends Georgetown University.

The reverend, his wife and the pool boy.  A ménage a trois in Miami.  A cellphone.  Seems like a pretty clear violation of the Seventh Amendment.

So did Trump blackmail Falwell into giving him his endorsement for President?  Seems like a possible explanation for an otherwise inexplicable act.

Fortunately, Mr. Granda is now a student at Georgetown University.  Probably taking final exams this week. I’m sure he’ll be glad to  clear this up.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Diary Queen.

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