I Just Wanna Say This
My congressvarmint is Pete Olson. He’s as worthless as a four card flush. He’s ugly. He’s mean. And he’s stupid.
I live just a couple of miles outside the district of Congressman Al Green. I flat love him. He is smart, kind, and lives his faith. He is my congressman because I say so.
He got arrested last night. It’s not the first time.
Rep. Al Green, D-Houston, was one of eight lawmakers arrested by U.S. Capitol police on Tuesday in a symbolic act of civil disobedience and a protest to House Republicans who have blocked a comprehensive immigration reform bill.
Green has been a vocal supporter of comprehensive immigration reform, which would provide a path to citizenship to 11 million undocumented immigrants in this country illegally.
I completely understand that it was a symbolic gesture. I get that. But, it meant something to me – that my congressman believes in a better America with compassion and goodness.
I love Al Green.
That’s all. I just wanted you to know that.