I Just Love This

July 03, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

My favorite editorial of the week is in today’s New York Times and written by Michelle Goldberg.

Say this for Donald Trump. He may be transforming American politics into a kleptocratic fascist reality show and turning our once-great country into a global laughingstock, but at least he’s humiliating John Bolton in the process.

The bully finally gets to learn what being the victim feels like.  That’s Schadenfreudealicious.

It is particularity enjoyable that Tucker Carlson (Trump’s new shoe shiner) referred to Bolton as a “bureaucratic tapeworm.”  I am certain that Bolton thinks Carlson is an intellectual lightweight – Hell, Dirt Janochek thinks Tucker Carlson is a mental lightweight and Dirt still points at the words when he reads something.  So, being replaced in North Korea by boy child Carlson – that’s gotta sting.

And then Trump keeps calling him Mike. I guess that’s because John is so hard to spell what with that silent h.

I admit it. I’m enjoying it. I just wish they’d let me throw a pie in his face before he inevitably goes to jail for Trump.


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0 Comments to “I Just Love This”

  1. maryelle says:

    Schadenfreudealicious! My favorite new word. I had the same feeling when I heard Bolton had been sent to Mongolia so Trump would not have to share the spotlight at the DMZ.

  2. BarbinDC says:

    Yeah, this is a lot of fun. The denouement oughta be hilarious!

  3. Paul ADK says:

    Michael Bolton? That old tweener heartthrob from the 90s?

  4. slipstream says:

    One thing is certain about working for Trump: sooner or later you will be thrown under a bus. Mostly sooner.

  5. @slipstream Or, fingers crossed, maybe a TANK!

  6. So Bolton was supposed to be the new Bannon. Hmmmm!!

  7. Lunargent says:

    I think the problem is, Bolton is actually serious about going to war. Whereas Trump just wants to bluster and threaten and piss around. So far, at least. He’s such a coward he doesn’t want to attack anyone who can actually fight back, and contents himself with tormenting poor people, immigrants, and other easy targets.

    I’ll bet Trump is really confused when he’s the one trying to restrain someone else’s horrible impulses. Yay, Karma!

  8. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Maggie, the original Bannon now dismisses Trump as “just another scumbag,” so the bloom can go off the rose very fast in the Fourth Reich. I wonder what Bolton will call him if he fails to “bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran” just because John McCain sang that dumb song years ago. (And I’m pretty sure that’s the only reason.)
