I Just Love the Damn Internet

July 03, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Customer Wyatt Earl sent us a search tool where you can look up who is getting farm subsidies.  You know, welfare for rich people.  And you can do it in your jammies!

Click right here and you can enter a name or a zip code and see who is on the dole in your neighborhood.

And lookie here, the very first name I found was Charlie Howard, our ultra conservative State Representative who has more money than Oprah but would find such joy in blocking emergency room doors while giving lectures in personal responsibility to the little children of undocumented workers as they writhe in pain.  He is the stingiest man on the planet but he made off with $21,296 of taxpayer money in farm subsidies.

Charlie the welfare queen.

Charlie and I have had this conversation several times before.  I found him keeping his horses on corporate property for free and then helping the corporation get an agricultural exemption because it had his horses on it.  He admitted that it probably didn’t look right, but was emphatic that “it’s not illegal.”  I replied that neither is chasing an intern around the desk in the Oval Office but Charlie sure got upset about that.  His final reply?  “I’m going to take what I’m entitled to.”  Entitled.  Good choice of words, Charlie.

Now, it’s very clear that Charlie ain’t spent any of that money on clothes or personal appearance, and I seriously doubt he gave it to charity.  He’s gonna take it with him.

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