I Just Didn’t Want You To Miss This

August 08, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Eric Erickson’s RedState event disinvited Donald Trump.  That gave Trump the opportunity he’s been waiting for.

This, political junkies, is a thing of amazing political beauty.  Trump’s statement about being disinvited.

Mr. Trump made Megyn Kelly look really bad — she was a mess with her anger and totally caught off guard. Mr. Trump said “blood was coming out of her eyes and whatever” meaning nose, but wanted to move on to more important topics. Only a deviant would think anything else. This related to the debate, which because of Mr. Trump had 24 million viewers — the biggest in cable news history. According to TIME, Newsmax, Drudge Report, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Hill and many others, Mr. Trump won the debate.

UnknownBy the way, the guy (Erick Erickson) who made the decision about RedState called Supreme Court Justice David Souter a “goat [expletive] child molester” and First Lady Michelle Obama a “Marxist Harpy.” He was forced to make a humbling apology.

Also, not only is Erick a total loser, he has a history of supporting establishment losers in failed campaigns so it is an honor to be uninvited from his event. Mr. Trump is an outsider and does not fit his agenda.

Many of the 900 people that wanted to hear Mr. Trump speak tonight have been calling and emailing—they are very angry at Erickson and the others that are trying to be so politically correct. To them Mr. Trump says, “We will catch you at another time soon.”

You know, I’ve been hearing that the reason that Trump is leading the polls is that Republicans say that “he speaks his mind.”  So does my drunk Uncle Harry but I don’t he should be present either.

Yeah, Trump speaks his mind on national television and that’s great.  Drunk Uncle Harry speaks his mind and it’s “vile and disgusting” at the “PTA meeting.”


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0 Comments to “I Just Didn’t Want You To Miss This”

  1. Some people speak their mind because they are honest and forthright. Other people speak their mind because they are glassbowls with no filters and the mistaken belief that they’re better than anybody else. Guess which category I think this jackwagon belongs in.

  2. two crows says:

    Well, it’s becoming more and more apparent. The GOP [formerly known as “The Grand Old Party” henceforth to be known as “The Gruesome Over-the-hill Party”] is imploding before our very eyes. And none too soon, either.

    In the old days its heartlessness was, at least, simply a passive way of being. Now it goes out of its way to do active harm to children and elderly people and other living things.

    To paraphrase our president, “Please proceed, GOP.”

  3. Larry from Colorado says:

    On one of the news channels last night, before the debate, a Republican strategist was asked about Trump and said he’ll flame out. Guess he knew the man. He also said why isn’t Sarah Palin running, because she draws big crowds. He said the comparison is to Elvis when he was alive. He drew big crowds too, but he’d never be president.

  4. I think is popular with the base precisely because the base loathes and despises Establishment Repubs (even as the base holds its collective noses and votes for them). I think the base also just like people who say vile things about anyone who isn’t a white American man.

    So the pundits can talk all they want about how Trump has flamed out, but he won’t flame out from saying vile things. Now if he ever says a decent thing about immigrants, he’s out.

  5. JAKvirginia says:

    And in a related story, Trump’s top advisor bails out.
    Of course, The Donald says he was fired. (Bulls**t). Y’know people this IS getting nuttier than squirrel poop. Ya gotta love it!

  6. Wa Skeptic says:

    I’m tired of this circus already; I am ready to disconnect my cable service so I can avoid all the stupidity.

    That said, I’m registered to vote, and it wouldn’t be for Trump anyway.

    If only there were some way to make it so that electioneering was only in effect for the three months before the actual election.

  7. “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” Napoleon Bonaparte

  8. UmptyDump says:

    That settles it. Donald Trump is the King of Premature Ejaculation. (Or is it Immature? …)

  9. At the debate Donald had blood coming out of his “whatever” because Megyn ripped him a new one.

  10. Just recently I predicted that the last few holy things that Trump hadn’t insulted were motherhood, apple pie and the flag. Well, he had a head start on motherhood when he insulted a nursing mother/lawyer he was meeting with when she had to take a planned break to breast pump milk for her child.

    OK, only two more to go.

    As for telling Hillary that she had to attend his latest wedding because he had donated to her campaign, that folks is called a guy who can only have friends if he pays for them. And that is sad to the max!

  11. Is there an editor on Trump’s staff? Or someone who knows how to write proper English? That bit defending him is terrible, for what it says and how!

  12. maryelle says:

    No matter what La Boca says, he or his campaign managers(?)
    spin it so that he can claim triumph. He was so obviously embarrassed by Megyn Kelly’s misogyny question and had no plausible response. Now we are told that Trump did put her down. Talk about the emperor’s new clothes. He was laid bare and we all saw it. To state the opposite just makes him look even more ridiculous (if that’s possible).

  13. Weird as it may seem, Trump is behaving as a model for Dems to learn from.

    When the Repubs swift-boated Kerry and called Obama “liar” and “Muslim” and “Hitler,” the targets of the attacks were too civilized to respond in kind. I don’t think the Dems should go entirely rabid, but they do need to acquire a mean streak and sometimes respond in kind to an attack.

  14. This is a serious question: has Trump ever expressed respect for anyone than himself on TV? The closest I can recall is his statement than Mexican leaders are smarter than our current political leaders. But even then he also dismisses their ability to be as smart as him and so will pay for the border wall he wants.

    I don’t think he is specifically misogynistic–I think he treats pretty much everyone with condescension and a belief he can win (or buy) anyone–like the hispanic vote.

    What scares me is that this pattern of how he speaks to everyone would not be modified, even if he did become POTUS. He essentially would treat foreign dignitaries as unworthy of his respect or the person he needs to best as a wheeler-dealer. Business top dog skills do not translate to political top dog skills.

    So, can anyone recall an interview or like where he is speaking to someone without sounding condescending of the other person–or truly sounds respectful? Thanks.

  15. Begonia Buzzkill says:

    The Periodgate Palooza…..has tilted them so far to the right, cubed…..that rabid extremists like Erickson have become the voice of moderation for their party.

    Erickson taped himself reading a few of Trump fans hate mail. “Why don’t you just marry the [n-word] in the White House if you’re going to reject Mr. Trump? … You’re no better than the [c-word] who lives in the White House.”

  16. Marge Wood says:

    I wouldn’t know because I’ve never watched Trump. Just looking at pictures of him has turned my hair two shades closer to white, which it was already doing while considering the undue amounts of ink that Ted Cruz, who doesn’t give a ____ about anyone who isn’t super duper rich and boot licking, gets. Cruz got one of the lowest scores. Why isn’t everyone writing nastygrams to the STATESMAN? Who’s paying them to put Cruz on the front page?
    Oh. Sorry. Back to Trump. I got sidetracked.
    I don’t like Trump. If he talked that way in my kitchen I’d disinvite him too.

  17. Old Fart says:

    Note to The Donald:

    The rest of the world has to accept you if you want to lead…

  18. Kate oDubhagain says:

    He sounds like his writing abilities never progressed much beyond junior high level.

  19. Star @14 is, of course, correct. I once said that I would vote for a house-trained chimpanzee before I would vote for George W. Bush, and I meant it. It scares me to think that I might be tempted to vote for George W. Bush before I would vote for Trump. Unthinkable as it is, I’d rather stop voting at all. The entire Republican line-up is revolting and a huge embarrassment to all of us — the rest of the world must be laughing at “those crazy Americans.”

  20. The sad/scary thing is, each new time something comes up to make me refuse to vote for Clownstick, I forget the previous times. By that I mean that he has been unacceptable from the beginning, and it just keeps getting worse.

    But not to Republican voters…

  21. AliceBeth says:

    I just giggled out loud when I heard Trump call Megyn Kelly “inappropriate”…..like he would know what is inappropriate to say.

  22. Biggomama says:

    Trump reminds me of an old Elvis song:
    Well, well, well,
    Just because you think you’re so pretty,
    And just because your momma thinks you’re smart.
    Well, just because you think you’ve got something
    That no other guy has got.
    Hope you spend all your money
    Being a perfect fool.
    Well, And
    Because, well well, just because.

  23. Elise Von Holten says:

    Where do I find my pride in being Americian? It’s so nebulous of a grief and the feelings of shame…who do I scream at, march against, protest for…BLM (not actual ones but pushy disowned ones) protestors shut down Bernie Saunders–the one who might have actually listened to them…and A nasty clown like “The Donald” ranks high ( and low) on ratings charts.
    I realized that besides being tired, People like Jon Stewart, like JJ, that have insight and wit to blunt our deep sorrow and pain, are having a terrible time right now because, “it writes itself” and the lines are disappearing between fiction and truth.
    I watched Jon take down the hosts of “Crossfire” yesterday and what was terrifying was that they saw no difference between what Jon Stewart did (comedy) and what they supposedly did (serious debate) thus establishing that although we have known that the right has no sense of humor except for the 3 Stooges type, the establishment of the “false equivalency” as a viable(insane) “both sides do it” platform–TRUMP as presidential material, TRUMP! It’s terrifying, not funny. As is the entire Push to the way right of corporatism and government joining to rule us. Where do we flee to now, now that the worst of us are biding for power…they laughed at Hitler, but not for long. In the Art of War, they got the concubines to march in quick step very quickly, by simply beheading the Emperor’s favorites as an object lesson. We are already circling the drain, we just haven’t realized it yet..

  24. Elise Von Holten says:

    Here is the link
