I Have Me A Question

February 07, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I’m sorry but this is going to take a while to tell because it has a lot of pieces.

I’m gonna start with this.  Ginni Thomas, the wife of Clarence Thomas is just one teeter or totter (either one) away from being of questionable brain balance.  She sent a letter to Rick DeSantis’ scheduling people and wanted them to know right off the bat how important she is.

She wanted  DeSantis to join one of her secret rightwing groups.

Now, it’s all pretty damn silly but right up there in the first paragraph she drops a bomb. This is in June, 2021. She writes, “my husband has been in contact with him too various things of late.”

Kaboom! In trying to make herself look important, she made her husband look, I dunno, like an idiot. What the hell has a supreme court justice been doing chatting with a Governor – a highly political one, at that – “about various things.”

They begin and end the meeting with a prayer, and try to break no less than 5 or 6 of the commandments in between.

Twice she mentions a Cone of Silence. I like to consider myself a well educated and fairly worldly woman, but I had no idea what a cone of silence is. I have been to a meeting or two where they say “what’s said here, stays here,” but there was nothing about a damn cone.

I can work the Google. So I did and the very first thing #1 you get is that it’s a device from the 1960’s comedy Get Smart.  And if you go to Wikipedia, you get more.

If you’re nostalgic, You Tube comes to the rescue. Or, here ya go.



Oh Ginni Thomas, the meetings are on Zoom, which is the exact opposite of Cone of Silence. Some 9th grader will have full transcripts of the meeting on TicToc in 48 hours, less if she doesn’t have homework.


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