I Have It On Good Word …. (UPDATED)

July 28, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


My highly placed and confidential informants (Alfredo over at the Radio Shack and Melba at the Dairy Queen), say that  the Washington Post is working on a story regarding former DeLay staffer Glenn LeMunyon. LeMunyon’s lobbyist townhouse on Capitol Hill is allegedly a “GOP love shack” – two words I never thought I’d hear in the same sentence – where GOP members are literally “hooking up” with young female lobbyists.

The tease got published today.  It starts off innocent enough, yes it does.

GOP Rep. Lee Terry of Nebraska — who’s in a tough race against Democratic opponent Tom White — was witnessed by Page Six in close conversation with a comely lobbyist at the Capitol Hill Club in DC recently.

“Why did you get me so drunk?” Terry asked the giggling woman, among other personal remarks.

When Terry realized he was sitting near a reporter, he quickly changed the topic of conversation to his three children and the struggle to pay their college tuition.

Terry was given a 100 percent rating by the Christian Coalition for his pro-family voting record.

And later the article finds Tom DeLay’s buddy, and his townhouse.

And lobbyist Glenn LeMunyon’s DC row house has been a hot spot for lobbyists who want to meet House members, including California’s Duncan Hunter, Pennsylvania’s Bill Shuster and Terry.

LeMunyon uses the house as an office during the day, a fund-raising space Some nights, and a place for congressmen to mingle after-hours with lobbyists. LeMunyon hung up on us but responded in an e-mail that his house was not being used inappropriately by anyone. Hunter’s office declined to comment. Shuster’s office said, “It is all false.”

Locals will remember that Tom also had a townhouse in DeeCee that he used for one of his lobbying groups.  We finally discovered that the Russians donated one million dollars to pay for it.  And then there was the house in Virginia ….

…. ooowwwww, stay tuned.

UPDATE:  Come to find out, the Hoochy House in question belongs to Texas’s own Jack Fields, former Self-Righteous Republican Congressvarmint from north Houston.

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