I Have A Question

September 28, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m wondering …


Why do we call it an audit?  Holy cow, how hard is it to use accurate language when describing a coup attempt?

 I’ve also decided — The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?  Pestilence, Famine, War, and Republican Governors.


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0 Comments to “I Have A Question”

  1. The Republicans are in power in Texas so they run the elections, they run the training and the voting sites and the hours. And when I volunteered (as a Democrat) I was told any irregularities , ie – id’s, addresses, etc were to be handled by them. This meant republican voters got to do provisional ballots but democrats and independents were not. Wonder if that will be addressed in this audit. Wonder if the republican volunteers are happy being doubted and seconded guessed? And what a waste of tax payers money.

  2. thatotherjean says:

    “Pestilence, Famine, War, and Republican Governors.”

    Spot on! Especially since so many of the last are responsible for the first.

  3. One of the Chicago papers had 4-horsemen cartoon in the last week saying that about GOP governors. I

  4. Checking the votes in a state he won?

    Well, I spent a lifetime lookin’ for you
    Casinos and schools were never true
    Playing a fools game, hopin’ to win
    And tellin’ those sweet lies and losin’ again

    I was lookin’ for votes in all the wrong places
    Lookin’ for votes in Republican faces
    Searchin’ their eyes
    Lookin’ for traces of what I’m dreaming of

    Hoping to find a judge for some cover
    I’ll bless the day I discover
    a governor
    Lookin’ for votes

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I guess the fourth horseman is now the 4th, 5th, 6th…………………….along with a horse’s ass with orange makeup, a really big butt and small hooves, etc.

  6. Grandma Ads says:

    Having spent a career as an auditor of the CPA variety, this isn’t an audit, it’s a show for the Old Pretender!

  7. The Surly Professor says:

    JJ, I lost track of who came up with it, but some denizen of this site used the perfect word for it: fraudit.

    Me, I’m thinking of starting an outfit like the “Cyber Ninjas”. Apparently it takes no prior experience or knowledge, you just hire a bunch of older-than-dirt retirees and give them some colorful t-shirts, and rake in big bucks from the state ledg. I could probably wire together a bunch of LEDs with a handful of Raspberry PIs, put it all into a big box with a conveyor belt like at the airports. Run the ballots through and have it randomly sound a klaxon with flashing lights and a sign saying “Possible Fraudulent Ballot!”. Then some lunatic-looking guy (me) wearing a radiation decontamination suit with respirator will go and remove a ballot with 3-foot long tongs, and place it into a “Containment Box” like in Ghost Busters.

    Claim that the Hillary/Biden pedophile gangsters use quantum entanglement to change votes remotely after the ballots have been submitted. But my Cyber Whotsit team has the technology to detect it and isolate the infected votes. The rubes would just eat that up, and the ones in the state legislature would probably be willing to shower us with millions of dollars (taken from the budget for health and education, no doubt).

    So who’s with me? I promise free pizza!

  8. If they gave it the real name, Fraudit, that would give away the game.

  9. Conducting an audit to find nonexistent “voter fraud” in a state that voted for The Orange Blivet. Almost makes sense-but not quite.

  10. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Oh my goodness…someone else who knows what a “blivet” is!

    Btw…there was fraud, guaranteed, in a state The Former Tweeter-in-Chief won. And you can bet it was GOP operatives 1) voting twice, 2) voting their X-wife’s ballot, 3) voting as dead relatives, and 4) voting from an address where they do not actually live.

  11. Here in Alaska former state legislator Gabrielle LeDoux has been indicted for five felonies connected with dead voters casting ballots for her. But does this get any national attention? Of course not. She’s a Republican.


  12. The Surly Professor says:

    Slipstream @13: but “I am absolutely innocent,” she said. So that’s it, case closed. A Republicand politican would never lie.

    More seriously, I’d like to see a formal study of how many cases there are of election fraud, with a breakdown of how many are R vs. D, and how many are prompted/paid for by the politican vs. some cockwomble doing it on their own. My anecdotal impression is that it’s Republicans more often than not, but that’s not data.

  13. slipstream @13 IOKIYR (((shrug))) albeit with steam coming out the ears. Since I began following politics the number of Democratic politicians who have committed crimes have been figuratively etched into my brain because of the hue & cry of the media. Like an ear wig. The ***king moron** was a well known criminal for decades, and stayed on track criming for 4 years of his pResidency. His maladministration was “all the best,” crooks and self dealers. Follow the money, follow the stench … meh the real crimes are a big yawn with the media.

  14. Dear Surly Professor, Re: #7 –

    If you want to sell your gadget to Doug Logan and Cyber Ninjas, add in some kind of bamboo detector.

    Like the fraudit itself, it doesn’t have to be authentic to gain their interest.


  15. When we lived in Austin, it was the state capital. And now I hear that function has been outsourced to Mar-A-Lago?

  16. It doesn’t take the whole mangy puppeteer’s hand to operate Guv Abbutt. Just one finger will do, the middle one, up…

  17. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Sorry, Texas, you’ll have to wait. The Cyber Ninjas are booked here in Georgia next. With their record, they’ll probably find the 11,780 votes trump demanded from the Sec of State — for Biden.

  18. JJ, you have hit the head upon the nail!

  19. Just a thought. What if the objective of the expenditure is to produce data that supports/justifies more restrictive voting laws, justification for gerrymandering, etc, etc…..

    With a set of desired conclusions, reverse engineering the data base might be easier with ‘new’ data coming into the system….

    Consider this a Z-anon conspiracy theory…

  20. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I was just reading about ideeho conducting an audit in 2 small counties because some how my pillow guy had credible evidence that votes were switched from trumpf to Biden. The hand count results in both added votes for Biden and less for trumpf. Even though they know the dubious source, they now plan to audit another larger (still small) county mr pillow says had 2400 votes for trumpf switched to Biden. Trumpf won these counties by wide margins, so why they would waste their time again is nuts. Oh, I forgot, we’re talking ideeho.
