I Hate To Say I Told You So … Updated pretty much continually

June 28, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

But, Dude and Dudettes, I did.

Now we know for sure why Antonin Scalia was hog wallowin’, snake bitin’, goose honkin’ mad about the Court striking down Arizona’s  immigration laws.  He knew, yes he did, that even though he had been bought and paid for on the health care law, he was going to lose again.

Okay, I know I’m playing amateur psychologist but it seems to me that the reason John Roberts broke away from the snarling ultraconservative pack is that he knew the reputation of the Supreme Court was on the line.  He knew that everybody – and I mean everybody! – would know for a fact that Scalia and Thomas  had sold out for thirty pieces of silver.  Roberts is young and needs to be thinking about the reputation of the court.

Now it is time to get Scalia off the court before he bites someone or runs around the room nakkid yelling, “I wanna hoochy koochy with Michelle Bachmann!”

And the absolute best part of all this is watching Michelle Bachmann’s hair on fire and Louie Gohmert start drooling.

Here’s Bachmann prior to the ruling, showing off her ticket to watch the court call her a damn fool.

And Gohmert wants to impeach Elena Kagan.  Not Scalia or Thomas for selling their vote, of course, but Elena Kagan.

GOHMERT: We still have the issue of Justice Kagan. Either she was totally derelict and negligent in her duties as Solicitor General and had absolutely nothing to do with the most important bill to the president, her boss, or she did have something to do with it, she has violated federal law, and as such she needs to be removed from the Supreme Court. […] I think it’s important to look at Justice Kagan for potential impeachment. […]

KEYES: Considering she was the deciding vote in the case, does that leave the ruling illegitimate if she broke federal law?

GOHMERT: Yes it would. It would mean this decision would be illegitimate if she lied in order to get onto the Court.

Oh y’all, I am totally thrilled with The Affordable Health Care Act, aka Obama Cares, being upheld today but I am downright giddy over getting to watch the rightwing blow a gasket.

Okay, so I got very brave and switched over to watch FOX.  Hopefully, you did, too, because they had on former disgraced Attorney General Alberto Gonzales commenting how this is what America gets for voting for a Democrat for President.  Seriously.   Alberto Gonzales.  The damn crook.

Another picture!

And Sandy just sent me another great shot taken right after the Supreme’s decision was announced.

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