I Can Figure Stuff Out

September 20, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It is county fair time in Texas and that calls for a float or two.

Oh, look, here’s one at the Tri-State rodeo/parade up in north Texas.

I’m going to show you several pictures, and them I’m gonna tell you something.  This is a float purporting to be Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in jail.






That is not a prison cell.  That is a cage.  And they damn well know it.

The float was organized by a group called Stars and Bars and rode along side the Confederate Riders of America. They said the float was strictly a political message.

And the Confederate Riders of America are shocked, shocked I tell you, that we find it racist.

It’s a damn cage.

Thanks to Paul for the heads up.


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