I Before E, Except After East Texas

May 20, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

East Texas, of damn course.

I do not know what seige is but I do know that apparently being under it takes a backhoe.

Thanks to Larry for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “I Before E, Except After East Texas”

  1. For once—just once— you’d think the poor things would do a spellcheck before they publicly legislate idiocy and fear;
    especially on billboards and huge advertisements.

    Uuuuummmm, okay, maybe not. Sadly these days I get most of my laughs this way.

    Anyway, my neighbor who actually escaped East Texas says she’s happy she can spell and wasn’t burnt as a witch in childhood. Which I thought at the time was harsh. Now I just think she has a great sense of humor and survival skills.

  2. I used to think this was limited only to South Alabama and the Florida Panhandle. Glad to see that stupidity spreads like kudzu across the entire South.

    Now if we could only eliminate it with a flame thrower.

  3. Isn’t a “Seige” one of those motorized two-wheeled things mall cops ride on to get to the food court faster?

    “Cinnabon’s got fresh rolls out? Ten-Four, I’m on it!”

  4. Grace Newton says:

    “I do not know what seige is but I do know that apparently being under it takes a backhoe.”

    Instead of a backward ho?

  5. maryelle says:

    Let’s not forget the good ol’ boy rules for spelling: “I before E, except after any g**d*** letter I f***ng want. You got a problem with that, you uppity schoolmarm. “

  6. I don’t want to see the birth certificate of the guy who owns RJT Equipment, I’m more interested in his report card.

  7. Well, damnitall……it doesn’t say a WORD about spelling in the Bible or Constitution!!
    And them people who wrote those talked funny, too………
    …………………….A RWNJ retort, to be sure.

  8. John Paffel says:

    My life expereince tells me that when you see the i before e rule bieng broken, specially with words like foriegn and seige
    that it is usually intentional code. Trouble usually follows, but just exactly when and in what form, is highly unpredictable. I would just keep this outfit under surviellance for a while and see what happens.

  9. Corinne Sabo says:

    Foreign meaning not from Stupid?

  10. *sigh*

  11. maryelle says:

    John, you get the preize!
